Power vs Power

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After the winter, the spring finally came. The cold slowly disappear as the heat has taken it's place. The snow disappearing and the plants start blooming. The season change always been a fine day to everyone, well, except for this group.


At the city of Yokohama, they have the usual normal day until a laboratory accidently awaken a huge monster that is hiberanating in frozen state by difrost it. Neo GUYS dispatch and head toward battle.

《Ancient Monster - Gigasaurus》

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《Ancient Monster - Gigasaurus》

Kaiza, in Hurricade Mode, already start battling with the monster that is now completely awaken and rampaging across the city. Gun Winger and Gun Loader shooting at the monster as it respond slow while Kaiza shoot some slash beams. Despite being vurnerable with some attacks, Gigasaurus move slow.

Rentarou: This kaiju is surely tough!

Kaiza: Hey, Rentarou, don't praise your enemy. But as expected from a Gigasaurus!

Rentarou: Let's put it back to sleep!

Kaiza: Yeah!

He stand up and rush toward Gigasaurus, ramming into the huge monster. Kaiza tries to push it away but Gigasaurus is stronger when in term of strength. Gigasaurus shoot an icy mist which make Kaiza grunt in annoyance as he hold his face in coldness when he back away. Then Kaiza's timer turn red and start blinking.

Kaiza: Crap, we're running out of time!

Rentarou: Let's finish this quickly, Kaiza!

Kaiza: How can you be so sure?

Rentarou: Don't worry, I'm sure it'll somehow work out well!

Gun Winger and Gun Loader shoot another barrage of laser bullets at Gigasaurus which make it roar in pain. Kaiza jump and fly into the air as he shoot some slash beams at Gigasaurus which make it roar more and fall onto its belly.

Kaiza: Now!

He raise his left arm into the air and gathered some cold wind into his hand. Kaiza thrust his left hand forward and shoot blue cold beam at Gigasaurus. When the beam hits, Gigasaurus roar and unable to move as it shows close its eyes when it start to freeze. After few minutes, Gigasaurus completely freezed and entered another long hibernation. Kaiza land on the ground as he sigh in relief.


On top of a building...

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