Day of Mebius

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Devil Splinter are ones again used by Karina to make Fire Golza and Horoboros run wild, but they are able to return to normal by Kaiza. But Karina also absorbed the dark power that wad expelled from both guardian monsters to make herself stronger.


In the night at the city, it shows everything are just being normal. Until in the sky where no people are around or looking, it cracks a little and shows a blood red background. From inside the crack, it shows a being who looking into the city.

???: Eheheheheh. So humans have changed for years, huh? However, there is something never change. They will always have negative emotions which make even stronger everytime. Just you wait, Ultraman. I shall take my revenge on those who currently defending this Earth. Eheheheheh! Ahahahahahah!!

He laugh evilly as the crack close back.

Few Days Later...

(Phoenix Nest)
(Rentarou's Room)

Rentaeou: All right! The day has finally come!

Unlike everyone else, during this weekend, Rentarou wake up early. He brush his teeth and take a bath, change into his uniform in a hurry.

Kaiza: Hey, hey, what's up, Rentarou? You're way too worked up today.

Rentarou: Who doesn't?! Today is a very special day!

He grab his gun and comm before head out from the room. When he is out, there's a certain poster is shown at the wall.

(Control Room)

Only Asuka, Takuma and Reina are there as the others have yet to wake up. Lim is also with them. Then Rentarou rush into the room.

Rentarou: Good morning, everyone! Today is the day!

Reina: Woah, I never saw you so excited.

Rentarou: Ot course I'm excited! Don't you know what today is?!

Takuma: Umm, Saturday?

Lim: Squeek?

Rentarou: No, today is a very important day! Well, don't call me during at this time! And I'll be going out!

Asuka: Okay, bring some souvenirs because we planned to have a party here.

Rentarou: All right! Let's do this!!

He rush out from the room, passing by Erika, Jake and Shinya.

Shinya: Woah!

Jake: What's the hurry with samurai boy?

Erika: Where did he go?

Asuka: *chuckle* Didn't any of guys know what today is?

They all look at each other and shake their head. Asuka grab a paper from the table, and reveal to be a poster. And the poster reveals a certain Ultraman.

Asuka: Today is the Day of Mebius. The day when Ultraman Mebius first come to Earth.

Shinya: Ohh... Wait, that's today?

Jake: How can we missed it?

Erika: But why do he get so excited about?

Asuka: You know how excited Rentarou can be, especially on this day. He told me that every time Day of Mebius come, his grandparents always bring him to the festival.

Reina: Now that is a good thing for him.

Takuma: So should we going out and celebrate it?

Asuka: Well, I already told Rentarou to bring souvenirs so we can have party set up here. But remember, we always need to prepare to mobilize.

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now