Princess of Darkness

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After the incident with Bez, the GUYS Headquarter have concluded that he is not a spy because of his self-less and sacrifice for humanity which he view to be his home. His relations with others have grown stronger again. However, there will be even more terrible incident. Where it is Kaiza is the main cause of it.


Volcan and Hidra, in their Giant form, are underwater when they think of what should be done for Kaiza.

Hidra: Arghhh! I cannot take this anymore! I want our king to be return to his rightful place! The man who feared and respected by many beings!

Volcan: Only feared. His Majesty only gain respect from us. And yet no other than ourselves do that.

Hidra: But it show his king aura and the charisma of being a leader!

Volcan: But you truly wish for him to return to his old self? An evil and tyrant king of darkness?

Hidra: That's...!

Volcan: Can't you see, Hidra? Right now, he is feeling happy unlike before! Do you wish to take that happiness away from him?!

Hidra: That isn't a true happiness. His Majesty don't even recall who he is, nor that remember he once rule our planet with such grace! Don't you want our planet, our own race, become as strong as they originally are?!

Volcan: That doesn't mean that our king has to be evil! No matter he's the king, don't you remember, he always come to us and request our help?! And feel happy about it! I don't want to see him as a king who burn the land, but a king who truly love and respect by the beings of different kind! If you wish to turn him back into the king of tyranny... Then I shall stop you!

Hidra: Hmph. Don't you forget, you only a master of brute strength. I am the master of deception!

Both of them enter their fighting stance. They rush forward and clash their fist and blade, until they heard a chuckle.

???: Ara ara... I can't believe that my absense have change both of you.

They stopped before turn around, and saw the one who is feared in their planet aside Kaiza.

Volcan: Wh-What? No way... Why are you here?!

Hidra: You... That's impossible... How are you still alive?!

From the shadow of the water, it reveal a certain giant who they never wish to meet or see, nor letting Kaiza get close to.

《Princess of Darkness - Karina》

Karina: This is in fact suprises me. Though this is not the first time I saw you both clash ideology.

Volcan: Karina...!

Karina: Oh my, that was is "Princess Karina" if you will?

Hidra: Why would call you that, you damn witch?! Don't you forget how you ravaged our land after the king's disappearance!

He rush in high speed at Karina.

Volcan: Wait, Hidra! She isn't someone you can fight alone!

As Hidra slash at Karina, she merely lash her right hand and block the blade easily.

Hidra: What?!

Karina: Don't you forget, I'm stronger than you.

She push Hidra away before create energy whip, and slash him. Hidra fall to the ground before he got tied up with energy rope.

Hidra: Damn it!

Volcan: Hidra!

He rush to Hidra and try to free him, but the energy rope is too strong.

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