Battle of Monsters

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After being trained by Daichi and X, Rentarou and Kaiza able to perfectly resonate once again. Kaiza able to wield the Cosmo Repulsor and use it perfectly without relying on the destructive power. As Geist promised after being defeated, he release Pris, before he and Tartarus return to the Kingdom. After X and Daichi left once more to dealt with the Devil Splinter, Pris stayed on Earth, much to Kaiza's annoyance.

(Phoenix Nest)

It's been few days since the attack of the Absolutian. This makes GUYS all over the world feeling that the threats are more out in the space, and because of monster and aliens constant appearace in Japan, they sent a special task for the certain adjutant.

(Science Lab)

At the lab, Rentarou are working in checking the data of the past enemies.

Rentarou: Man, there's a lot of enemy that have come to Earth. And our allies out there seems to be less compare to our enemies.

???: What are you doing?

He turn to the side and saw Hanako.

Hanako: Yo, Nii-san!

After she get her human form, Hanako has given disguised that she is an intern of Neo GUYS thanks to Asuka who able to convince top brass. Because of that, Hanako able to stay at Phoenix Nest as part of her "internship."

Rentarou: Hanako-chan, you need to stop sneaking around.

Hanako: What's wrong with that? I'm your sister, right?

Rentarou: Technically, you're Kaiza's baby sister.

Hanako: Hey, I'm not a baby! Plus I doubt Kaiza-niisan able baby me. And he love to spoil me around.

Kaiza: *appear as hologram* I'm right here, y'know? And I never spoil you.

Hanako: What? Then how about the last time you let me--

Kaiza: I only let you because you begged me. And you know that punishment of entering that is banishment.

Hanako: Ahh! You never told me that!

Kaiza: Because Instructor Taro told me not to tell you. And I'm pretty sure your class teacher will be mad because you skipped class for a long time.

Hanako: No! I don't want to go to class!

???: Rentarou-kun!

They turn around and saw Torikawa with Keiji, holding a briefcase. Because they don't know about Rentarou is also Kaiza, they can't see Kaiza's hologram form.

Rentarou: Oh, Adjutant. What is it?

Torikawa: There is something I need you to help me with. And the whole team are needed to!

Rentarou: Huh?

Keiji: Hanako-chan, you can come too.

Hanako: 'Kay?

(Control Room)

The team are having their own thing, spending time like usual, until Torikawa and Keiji along with Rentarou and Hanako arrives. Bez also reach the room.

Torikawa: Good afternoon, everyone! I have a special news for you all!

Asuka: What kind of special news?

Torikawa: Because of the start of a new era of monster attack and alien invasion, GUYS HQ have decided strengthen our power. Therefore...!

Keiji: The HQ sent us this!

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