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“Are you coming?” Derek asks, worried.

“No. I'm going to go see Teddy and Meredith and tell them what's going on.” I explain as he hugs me to him, making me smile a little.

“OK. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be there.” He says, walking towards Addy's room. Once he leaves, I get up and head towards Teddy and Meredith's room. Since Bailey, Callie, and Archer decided they were fine, we decided to move them into the same room. When they see me come in, they smile. I smile back, hugging them.

“So. How's Addison?” Teddy asks.

“She's awake and responsive, but.” I say, looking at them.

“But what?” Meredith asks.

“The suture Charlotte used to close the pericardium tore. They have to go back in and re-close it soon or-”

“Or she'll bleed out.” Teddy finishes. I nod at her.

“When are they going back in?” Meredith asks.

“Three hours. Everyone else went to go visit her. I decided it'd be best if I told you though.” I explain, looking at both of them.

“Can we see her?” They ask, hopeful.

“I don't know. I mean you haven't gotten out of bed yet.” I say.

“We can ride in wheelchairs.” Meredith hints, smiling, making me and Teddy smile.

“I'll go talk to Callie, Archer, and Bailey and see what I can do.” I say, getting up and going to find them. When I look over at the desk in the ER, I notice all of them talking. So, I go up to them and hug Archer.

“Hey. I was wondering if Teddy and Meredith could get in wheelchairs, and go see Addison before her surgery.” I say, hoping they say yes.

“I don't see why not. They're stable and as long as they stay in their wheelchairs, I don't mind.” Bailey says, Callie and Archer agreeing with her.

“Thank you so much! Archer, can you come help me?” I ask, smiling.

“Of course.” He says, walking with me to get wheelchairs. When we get back to their room, their eyes light up when they see the wheelchairs.

“Are you ready?” I ask, going over to Teddy to help her up, while Archer helps Meredith.

“Why wouldn't we be?” Meredith asks. Once we get them in the wheelchairs, we leave the room, heading to Addison's. When we get to the door, we knock, making everyone's head turn towards us. When they see Teddy and Meredith with us, they smile, and clear a path for us. But, when Addison sees us, her mouth opens in shock, but then turns into a smile. As soon as we stop, we help them up to hug her, and then we lower them back into their wheelchairs.

“I can't believe you came!” Addy asks, smiling.

“We wanted to see you, and thanks to Bella, we can.” Teddy says, looking and smiling at me.

“Come here.” Addison says, waving me over. After a second, I walk over to her and hug her for a minute.

“Thank you.” She says once we pull apart, smiling.

“No problem. It's the least I could do. After all, this whole thing was my fault.” I say, looking down, still blaming myself for it.

“Stop saying that. It's not your fault.” Meredith tells me.

“Yes it is. I shouldn't have agreed to you coming to see Lilly and I. If I would've said no, you wouldn't have gotten in the wreck.” I explain, still looking down.

“Bella, sweetie. Please stop blaming yourself. It's not, nor will it ever be your fault.” Mom says, rubbing my back soothingly. My eyes tear up, but I refuse to let the tears fall.

“I still say it is.” I say, my lip quivering.

“Stop saying that! Every time something happens, you blame yourself and say it’s all your fault and it never is. I'm tired of it. Please, stop!” Addison says, yelling. At this, the tears are going to spill over at any minute. I turn, and head out of the room, finally letting them fall.

“Bella! Please come back!” Mom shouts out the door, since I don't stop running. When I turn the corner, I run into the supply closet, lock the door, and just sit there and cry. After a few minutes, hear knocking on the door, but I just stay sitting and crying, ignoring it. Finally, after a couple hours, I decide to come out. So, I wipe my eyes of the tears, unlock the door, and leave the closet, heading towards Addison's room. When I round the corner and look in the room, no one's in there, so I walk out to the waiting room and see everybody sitting. When mom sees me, she walks up to me and hugs me to her. Then, dad and Mark get up, walking over to us. Once mom and I pull apart, Mark pulls me into him, and kissing me on the head.

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