Peaceful Death

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“Oh, just the people I was looking for,” smirks Mr. Stanford, a cold, evil laugh echoing in the empty hallway.

Arizona and Bella glance at each other but say nothing.

“I wish people were more cooperative. I had to kill so many of them in my quest to find you girls. But now that you are here, I cannot wait for you both to be two more numbers to my already rising total of victims. I have to honor my girlfriend. It was my job to protect her, but I didn’t, I couldn’t, because you doctors think you are Gods! You think that you get to decide who lives and who dies. You are not God, and somebody has to protect the innocent people from you.  This hospital isn’t safe, and that is because of you. You should know that the blood of all the people I shot is on your hands, because I would not have killed them unless I wanted to kill you.”

Mr. Stanford waves his hands for emphasis, and pointing his gun elsewhere.

Bella nods at Arizona, and the two fly into action.

Bella tackles him, while Arizona kicks the gun out of his hand. Bella’s fist connects with his face, but he pushes her off of him, straight into a nearby shelf. The contents fall around and on top of Bella with a loud bang and Bella winces at the piercing pain. Arizona sees this and attacks the shooter to the floor, relentlessly punching and kicking him. This gives Bella a few seconds to collect herself and she puts her hand against the back of her neck, looking down in the shock at the blood covering her hand.

In the meantime, Mr. Stanford gets the upper hand, and using his strength to throw Arizona into a nearby glass window. Arizona’s lean body hits the glass with a lot of force, shattering it and Arizona falls into the broken glass, knocked out at the impact.

Bella quickly gets back up on her feet and gasps.

 Mr. Stanford found the gun and is pointing it at her, his eyes angry, blood trickling down his forehead, his face bruised. Bella looks at the gun I looked at the gun and takes a deep breath. There was no way she could get out of this, not alone. She glances at Arizona, who was still lying on the floor amongst the shards of broken glass, her eyes fluttering the littlest bit which reassured Bella that she was alive, despite what just happened.

“This is exactly what you deserve for killing Lucy and it is exactly what the blonde deserves for defending you and causing this!' yells the shooter, pointing angrily to his bruised cheeks and bloody face with his free hand. His finger inches so close to the trigger, almost ready to shoot.

“You don't have to do this,' Bella says, trying not to let her voice shake. ”Lucy wouldn't want this. Lucy did not fall in love with the man in front of me, holding a gun and shooting innocent people,' I continued, and I saw him slightly falter in his decision.

“You could stop right here, right now and be the man Lucy fell in love with or you could continue being this monster. You could have a chance at having a wonderful afterlife with Lucy, but doing this, continuing your rampage will not let that happen. I am human. I make mistakes. Maybe the decision to take Lucy off Life Support was wrong, but I’m flawed. I know loss, I have experiences loss. My family almost died in a car crash, my daughter almost died. I know loss, but doing this, becoming this person, will not solve anything not will it make you feel any better,” Bella tries again, desperately wanting him to stop, so she could just settle in Mark’s arms, Lilly and Zola in her arms.

Mr. Stanford stopped for a few seconds, thinking hard, but before Bella could try to escape, his eyes hardened, the hate and anger apparent.

'I don't care. Seeing people dead, seeing the blonde lying there, seeing you terrified and begging to let you live, does make me feel better. You kill innocent people and you deserve to die,' came his cold, hard voice and he started to pull the trigger.

“I love you Mark, take care of our girls,' was the last thing Bella thought before there was the loud noise of a bullet being fired and I felt a sharp, heart wrenching pain before everything went black.

Co-Written with SethHale!

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