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Arizona’s eyes flutter slightly and she winces at the stabbing pain running along her back. She can vaguely hear someone talking around her but can barely make out who is talking or what they are talking about. Slowly, she makes out the voices, placing them to be the shooter and.....Bella.

"You could stop right here, right now and be the man Lucy fell in love with or you could continue being this monster. You could have a chance at having a wonderful afterlife with Lucy, but doing this, continuing your rampage will not let that happen. I am human. I make mistakes. Maybe the decision to take Lucy off Life Support was wrong, but I’m flawed. I know loss, I have experiences loss. My family almost died in a car crash, my daughter almost died. I know loss, but doing this, becoming this person, will not solve anything not will it make you feel any better” 

Arizona shudders at the gist of the conversation and her heart floods with worry, but she can barely open her eyes. It didn’t take Arizona long to figure out what she had to do, even if it put her at risk. Bella has a husband, two beautiful daughters, a family. Bella has so many reasons to live and Arizona’s resolve strengthened. Using all of her energy, she opens her eyes, only to hear the shooter grant Bella her death sentence.

"I don't care. Seeing people dead, seeing the blonde lying there, seeing you terrified and begging to let you live, does make me feel better. You kill innocent people and you deserve to die"  

“No!” cries Arizona, jumping to her feet, ignoring the pain that shot across her body. She slams into Bella much harder than she intended to, the bullet piercing her chest instead as Bella flies into a shelf, her head hitting it hard.

 Arizona gasps for air, presses her wound to try to stop the bleeding, the pain piercing through her like a red-hot iron.

“Look who decided to join us after all,” says the shooter with a sinister smile on his face, his eyes trained on Arizona leaning weakly against the wall, “And what do you think this grants you? Redemption for all the people you have killed?”

“I’ve saved a lot more, and Bella is now a name in that ever growing list,” Arizona snaps sharply.

“It can’t grow a lot now can it? I’m not a doctor and I can tell that you won’t survive. It’s a shame. If you just stayed put, you could have lived, but now neither of you will,” he sighs dramatically, his arrogant confidence showing in his eyes.

“Wait….what? No!” says Arizona weakly, as the truth dawns upon her. Arizona firmly thought that her sacrifice won’t go in vain, that Bella could run, that she could be saved but it seemed otherwise. Arizona could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness and she knew that she can’t do anything, not anymore.

The shooter points his gun at Bella, who is still laying unmoving on the floor, a deep cut across her forehead.

“It’s a shame that sometimes a person has to go to such extremes for justice,” says the shooter thoughtfully as someone enters the far end of the hallway, running.

Arizona notices this and squints, immediately making out the signature salt and pepper hair belonging to Mark. She glances at the shooter, who is mumbling to himself, lost in his thoughts, but his gun is still pointing directly at Bella, the trigger almost pulled.

Mark squints from the distance as well, recognizing the blonde curls. His attention however, goes to Arizona’s blood red scrub top and lab coat. He notices the shooter standing not to far away, his gun pointing to somebody hidden behind him. He gasps in shock and realization when he makes out the familiar green and blue shoes, the wedding band on the hand of the figure behind him. Bella. His beautiful, flawless, innocent Bella. He picks up his pace, but slows down when he sees Arizona making rapid, but discreet actions telling him not to draw attention to himself. He nods at Arizona and she smiles in relief as he realizes what the blonde is trying to tell him.

“What will you do after all this? What do you get? You’re just going to get thrown into prison, if not an execution,” Arizona tries to distract the shooter as Mark sneaks up from behind.

“It’s still worth it,” says the shooter simply.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, for the second time, he is stopped. Mark comes up behind him, wrapping his arms around the shooter’s neck. The shooter gasps at the sudden assault, shooting two bullets blindly, but they luckily don’t hit anyone. He manages to push Mark off him and whips around to face the doctor furiously.

“What the hell is wrong with the doctors in this hospital?” he asks exasperatedly but before he can react, Mark has the gun out of his hand, the shooter’s neck in the crook of his arm. He applies pressure at the certain point and the shooter faints immediately, falling to the floor with a loud thud.

Mark instinctively rushes over to Bella, holding her limp body in his arms.

“Oh my god, Bella! Come on, honey, wake up! It’s over. The girls are waiting for you, Carlisle and Esme and Addie and Teds and Mer are waiting for you. I’m waiting for you and I love you. So, so much,” he begs, gently shaking her, laying the gentlest kisses all over her face.

Bella’s face twitches and her eyelids flutter, her body calming as she leans into those familiar arms, though she doesn’t wake up. Mark’s face breaks into the happiest smile, tears filling his eyes,

“That’s my girl"

“Mark” comes a delicate whisper from behind him.

Mark turns around and gasps at the extent of Arizona’s bullet wound, which even he, as a Plastics surgeon can see has pierced dangerously close to her heart.

“Oh my god, Robbins!” he exclaims, as he barely registers a faint “All clear!” close by.

“Tell Calliope I love her,” whispers Arizona, her breath hitching in her throat, the tempting blackness finally pulling her under. Arizona's breathing stops, her body going absolutely still and her stunning blue eyes darkening and fluttering close, 

“Arizona, no!” yells Mark, unable to move as Bella starts to stir in his arms, blinking up at her husband’s tear-stained face with confusion as a lot of police personnel burst into the hallway, a second too late.

Co-Written with the SethHale!

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