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*That night*

It is now 1:30 in the morning. I was close to being asleep in Teddy's room, when she started stirring. I immediately snap my head towards her as she opens her eyes.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” I ask, handing her some water.

“In pain, tired.” She replies after drinking her water. After talking for a few more minutes, I decide to go into the waiting room to tell everyone she's awake. When I get in there, they see my tear-streaked face and stand up to come over to me.

“What is it? What's wrong?” They all ask.

“She's awake. Teddy's awake.” I say, smiling. When we go back in her room, she starts smiling and talking to everyone.

“How's Meredith and Addison? Are they awake yet?” She asks.

“Meredith had internal bleeding and a brain bleed. But, she's fine and should be awake sometime today.” I said, trailing off.

“And Addison? How is she?” She asks, worried.

“Addy had a swelling and bleed in her brain and she also had a torn pericardium.” I explain, trying my best, and failing, not to cry. All of a sudden, Derek comes in and call me out into the hall to talk to me.

“What is it?” I ask him as soon as we are in the hall.

“She's awake. Meredith's awake!” She says, hugging me and pulling me towards her room. As soon as I open the door, I run and hug her gently. She hugs me back and we talk for a little while.

“So, how are Teddy and Addison?” She asks.

“Teddy's awake right now. She had a broken femur and pelvis, but she's fine. And Addison, she had a brain bleed and swell along with a torn pericardium.” I tell her. We just sit there for a few minutes crying and hugging each other, until she goes back to sleep. I get up and head back to Teddy's room, but she is also asleep. So, I decide to go and sit with Addison and talk to her, even though she probably can't hear me. When I get in there, I sit in a chair by her bed and hold her hand.

“I know you can't hear me but, I need you to pull through this. You saved Lilly, you're my older sister, your me hero, Addy. I need you with me, helping me, doing surgeries with me. Meredith and Teddy are already awake. You're strong, I know you can pull through this. So please, wake up. For me.” I say, crying and laying my head down on the edge of her bed. After a few minutes, I start drifting off to sleep. When I wake back up, she is still unconscious and no one else is in the room. It's also still dark outside. I get up and go to the waiting room to find Mark and everyone else. When they see me, Mark gets up and pulls me into his embrace.

“Where were you? We were worried.” He asks, still hugging me.

“I went to see Addy. Even though she couldn't hear me, I talked to her.” I say, starting to cry again. At this, everyone joins in our hug and we stand like that for a while.

“Come on. We need to get home and get Lilly to bed.” Mark says, pulling me ti the elevator.

“No. I'm staying.” I tell him, staying in my spot.

“Bella, Lilly needs you. I need you.” He says, looking at me.

“My sisters need me.” I reply back, still frozen on the spot.

“Alright. I'll go home with Lilly and I'll see you later.” He tells me, giving me a peck on the top of my head and getting in the elevator. I turn around to face everyone else once the doors close.

“Is anyone else staying here tonight?” I ask.

“Your mother and I are.” Dad says, coming over to me.

“I am.” Sam says.

“So am I” Archer says.

“Charlotte, Derek, Henry. Are you?” I ask, looking at them.

“I don't see why not.” Charlotte answers, the others agreeing with her.

“Ok. You guys can go ahead to their rooms. I'm just gonna sit out here for a bit.” I tell them, watching them nod and walk away. When they are out of sight, I sit in a chair, put my head in my hands, and cry. A minute or two later, someone sits down beside me and rubs my back. When I look up, I see Dad and I lean on his shoulder with him no stroking my hair.

“I don't know what to do Dad. First Lilly gets sick, then they get in an accident on the way to my house. This is all my fault.” I say, looking down.

“This is not your fault. It could have happened to anyone.” He replies. After sitting there and crying for a little longer, we decide to get up.

“I think we should go see the others. They were worried about you when they went to see your sisters.” Dad says, getting up and pulling me up with them.

“I guess your right. I wanna see Meredith and Teddy anyways.” I agree, walking with him to Teddy's room. When we get in her room, she is awake, smiling, and talking to everyone. When she sees me, she smiles even bigger and motions for me to come over and sit down. When I sit down, she takes my hands in hers, then pulls me into a hug.

“How are you feeling?” I ask.

“Better than before. Is Addison....” She asks, trailing off and looking down.

“Not yet.” I ask, choking back my tears. She looks back up at me and hugs me again. We just stay like that for a while, until Derek comes back in, telling us that Meredith is awake again.

“Go. We can talk later. Go see Mere.” Teddy says, pushing me towards the door. I smile, and leave the room, going across the hall to see Meredith. Her expression is the same as Teddy's when she sees me. I go over to her and pull her into a hug.

“How's Teddy and Addison?” She asks me.

“Teddy's awake now. I was just in there. And Addison...” I tell her, trailing of and looking out the window. She rubs my arm and hugs me again.

“How are you?” I ask, changing the subject over to her.

“Better than before, my head and stomach still hurts though.” She says, smiling a little.

“Yea well, you did just have brain surgery and a spleen repair.” I tell her, smiling and laughing, to my surprise. Meredith looks at me, shocked and wide-eyed.

“Did you just laugh?” She asks, shocked.

“I think I just did.” I say, smiling.

“I miss your laugh and smile.” She tells me, looking at me as I look down.

“And I think everyone else has too.” She says, grabbing me hand. I finally look back up at her and we talk for a little longer until she is asleep. Then, I get up and leave her room, to the waiting room where I see everyone else.

“How's Meredith?” Mom asks as I sit down beside her.

“She's good. She's asleep now. Teddy?” I ask, looking around.

“She's doing great. She's also asleep. Henry's in there with her.” Mom explains as she hugs me.

“And Addison?” I ask, hopeful.

“Still not awake. We only have a few more days until...” Sam explains, trailing off and looking down. I nod my head in understanding, then get up and start walking away.

“Where are you going?” Mark asks.

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