It's Not Fair!

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*Next Day*

“Hey sweetheart.” Mark says as he joins me in the room Lily's staying in as we watch her sleep before we have to go to work.

“Hi.” I say quietly. All of a sudden, both of our pagers go off so we run out of the room in a hurry to wait for the EMS to get there with the patient.

“Riley Barker, 41 year old male and his wife, Patricia Barker, 39 year old female. Found in the middle of the mountains. The wife was found trapped in the car and is 9 month pregnant and due today. Her husband went off to find help, but didn't make it 50 feet before he collapsed because of a large cut on his thigh and a collapsed lung.” The medic said, handing me the charts.

“Prep Trauma Rooms 1 and 2 for them and also prep an OR.” I tell the nurses.

“Bella! The baby's breeching!” Addison tells me.

“Prep another OR for the wife also.” I tell them

Bailey, Webber, I need you to perform surgery on the husband. He has a collapsed lung. They are prepping an OR now.” I tell them as they nod.

“Addison, you and I are performing the surgery on the wife.” I tell her as she nods. After a couple of minutes, a nurse comes to tell me the OR's are ready.

Bailey and Webber take the husband to surgery as Addison and I take the wife.

*after surgery*

“How is she? H-Hows my wife?”

“She's stable for now.” Addison tells him

“A-and the baby? How is she?” He asks, panicked

“When you and your wife came in, she was in labor. The baby was breeching, meaning her feet were where her head should have been. We did an emergency C-Section and she is also alright for now.” I tell him as we head out the room.

“Wait!” he yells to us, making us turn around.

“I just wanted to say thank you, for everything.” He tells us, smiling a little.

“It's no problem. We're doctors, it's what we do.” Addison replies to him. We turn back around and leave the room. As soon as we are out of the patient's sight, I start sobbing. Addison looks at me with a confused expression.

“What's wrong?” She asks worriedly.

“My baby is sick! She was coughing up blood and-and all I could do is stand there and watch as Teddy picked her up. My baby is sick and I just delivered a perfectly healthy baby that was breeching! What is wrong with this world we are living in?!?” I shout at her, and start crying harder.

“I don't know. But, I do know that what happened to Lilly could have happened to any baby in the world. She will get better, Bella. I know she will.” Addy tells me also crying, pulling me into a hug. We just stand there for a while and cry together. After we are done crying, we go check on Patricia and the baby. When we get to Patricia's room, she is awake.

“How's Riley? A-and the baby, is she alright?” She asks as soon as we get in the room.

“They are both fine.  The C-Section and your husband's surgery went very well.” I tell her, trying to smile.

“Can I see them? I want to see my baby and be with Riley.” She asks, full of hope.

“Of course. Let us get you a wheelchair first.” Addison says as I go and come back in with a wheelchair and help her in it.

“Let's go see your baby.” I say as we go inside the nique where the baby is. As soon as Patricia saw the baby, a tear slid down her face.

“She's beautiful.” She says, staring at her daughter in awe.

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