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“Call us if you need anything.” Mom says, hugging me, and everyone else says and does the same thing. The only one left is Addison. I turn to her and smile.

“Thank you so, so much, Addy. I love you.” I tell her, as she starts crying, and so do I as we hug each other.

“I'd do anything for you. You're my little sister.” She said, wiping my tears and smiling at me.

“Now, you go home and get Lilly in her own bed and you get some sleep.” She told me, fixing my hair.

“Ok. I'll see you later.” I told her, hugging her one last time before turning and walking out of the lobby to the car. When we get to the car, Mark buckles Lilly in while I get in the car. After she's in her car seat, Mark gets in the drivers seat and we leave to go home. The car ride was silent during the short ride. Lilly was asleep, and Mark and I were looking straight ahead, holding hands. Finally, we get home and I get out, once he parks, and unbuckle Lilly, walking towards the house. But, Mark beats me to it and already has the door unlocked and open for us. Once Lilly and I are in the house, he closes the door and comes behind me, and we start walking up the steps to Lilly's room. Once we put her in the crib, and she's asleep, we go to our room and lay down on the bed, hugging each other.

“I'm so glad to be home.”  I say, looking at him.

“So am I.” He says, kissing me. A little while later, we hear crying through the baby monitor, meaning that Lilly is awake and hungry. Mark goes to get her while I go downstairs and prepare a bottle. Once they come down, I offer to take Lilly and feed her, but Mark takes the bottle and feeds her instead.  He takes her into the living room and sits down to feed her. I look in the refrigerator and find a bowl of pasta. So, I take it out and warm it up, then go into the living room with Mark and Lilly to eat it.

“I'm glad you finally have an apatite.” He says, smiling at me. I offer him a bite and he gladly takes it.

“I wasn't even hungry till I started eating it.” I said, smiling and taking another bite. After a few minutes, we finish it and I go put the bowl in the sink. By now, Lilly is done with her bottle. I put her in her swing in the living room and sit back on the couch with Mark. About fifteen minutes later, we look over and see Lilly sleeping in her swing.

I wonder where Teddy, Addison, and Meredith are. They said they'd be here around 2:30” I said, looking at the clock, noticing it was 2:45. Suddenly, both of our pagers went off. I look at mine and then I look over at Mark.

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