The Three Year Mark

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Evie rolled over in her bed, wanting to be little spoon and hoping to find Mason. But his side was cold, opening her eyes she noted the bed was empty. Sitting up yawning and stretching, she craned her neck to see if Callie was in her crib.


They're gone.

Her heart fell a little.

Evie didn't mind solitude but there was something peaceful about walking up to Mason beside her. She wished he at least woke her up before leaving, getting out of bed she noticed a letter on her dresser.

Good morning sleeping beauty,
Tried to wake you but you almost bit me so a letter will do. Took Callie to the crèche at work, today's going to be really intense so you won't hear from me till late. Made you breakfast and some juice, I'm proud of you for finishing your exams yesterday, soon you'll be an Oxford graduate.

Mase x

Instantly Evie smiled at the note, this was better than being woken up she decided, like previous notes he'd written to her, she placed it in her keepsake box. Whether she'd admit it or not the whole box was basically dedicated to her relationship to Mason. Ticket stubs from the cinema, photos together that she deemed too intimate and precious to share with the world, souvenirs from countries they'd travel to together, just to name a few. Treasuring the box she put it back into her drawer, stretching again, she quickly gave her room a clean. Last night Callie had taken more persuading than usual to go to bed, she and Mason tried every toy and gadget they had available before she finally slept therefore leaving her room a little messy with Callie's things strewn about.

This room had been her home, her sanctuary at university, declining to stay in the usual accommodation for students so she could house share with Libby and Piper. A decision she didn't regret in the slightest and now that time was coming to an end, soon she'd have to pack up and go back home. Which Evie didn't mind, she'd admittedly missed living with her younger sister. But in Oxford, her and Mason had something go on, she struggled to articulate her thoughts clearly as she got herself ready for the day. In Oxford, they're like a family unit, most nights she spent with them in this very room, downstairs or at Mason's, they lived similar to a family and she enjoyed it. Soon she would be moving back home and she wondered how the dynamics between them would change. By the time Evie got out the shower she didn't have any more worries or concerns, to her the simple facts were that since the first time they kissed, their relationship and dynamic was constantly changing, constantly evolving, facing and overcoming one challenge after another. They would be fine. Rummaging through her wardrobe, settling on dungarees, plain t-shirt and a bandana heading downstairs, the smell of something baking lured her to the kitchen to find Sean and Piper sitting around the table talking about their roles for tonight.

As soon as they saw Evie, they expertly changed the subject not letting up that they're hiding something. Evie wasn't on high alert anyway, her eyes zeroed in on the batch of muffins that she instinctively knew were lemon, poppyseed and blueberry. Mason knew they were her favourite, today he wanted it to be perfect for Evie, from start to finish. So he'd baked her the muffins and made her favourite smoothie - cranberry, apple and pecan. Evie cravenly ate the muffin, cherishing the fact they're still warm.

"He made you smoothies too" Piper pointed to the fridge and as assured, Evie found a large jugful. Her smile widened, pulling out her phone, she shot him a thank you text, not expecting a response for hours since he did mention he was busy.

"I have a question" Sean announced, clasping his hands together in a serious manner, he fixed his usual cheeky smile to a firm face.

"And that is?" Evie wondered, sitting at the table with them, giving Piper a quick look but she looked back with an unaware expression.

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