The Letter

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Dominic rolled his eyes as he saw her walk towards his office, he couldn't understand why it was so hard for everyone to understand that he just wanted to work and be the best. Why was it that someone was always bothering him to do some stupid tradition that made no sense.

So what if he missed a couple?

So what if he lost track of time?

Why couldn't she just be grateful he wasn't a bum who was out cheating or doing something dishonest?

He was an honest man who worked hard.

So why was it when he came back to Evie, whether it be to their home or to the D'Silver home, all he got was grief?

She complained that he spent too much time at work.

She whined that he wasn't making enough effort with her family.

She made a fuss about wanting children soon cause of some ovary issue.

She protested that they didn't spend any time together.

She grumbled he made little effort with Callie, he couldn't understand why he would, it's Jodie's child, not hers and certainly not his.

All she did was constantly make a mountain of a mole hill.

At least that's what she did up until a week ago.

Seven days ago had been that unnecessary dinner, Evie had inundated him with calls, texts and voicemails. Of course he felt bad but he'd managed to finish a crucial proposal and send it over to Darius. It's just as well he declined, he got back to the D'Silver's at midnight and Evie hadn't returned, he'd have wasted so much precious time.

But after that night he'd notice a slight shift in Evie's attitude, she complained less, stopped badgering him, she was neither here nor there about his presence, absence, coming or going.

He felt as peace.

Except as soon as one problem sorted itself, another one appeared.

In his case it was in the shape of Jodie.

"Fuck sakes" he muttered under his breath.

"Dominic, how are you?" Jodie let herself into his office, sitting in one of the cushy armchairs in the corner.

"I'm well, busy, very busy, but well" he hoped she would take his hint.

"I'm fine, I'm just checking in with you. We haven't spoken in a while" in truth she wanted to know how Evie was, whether she was still committing to getting married.

"Like I said I'm well, just busy, hence why we haven't spoken. I'm so close to advancing, so close to climbing the next rung on the career ladder" Horatio Winters had applauded his son's pending nuptials, for nabbing Darius D'Silver as a father in law, a position many men had been keen to claim.

"How's Evie?"


"You don't sound sure"

"All that matters is we're getting married, she's not going to change her mind"

"Just make sure you keep a tight rein on her. Where is she now?"

"I'm not my fiancé's keeper I don't know. Look Jodie, if I feel that there's a chance she's going to call off the wedding I'll call you for damage control. But I have her under control. Just concentrate on getting Mason or whatever it is you're doing all of this for, now Jodie, I would really like to get back to work" Jodie for the umpteenth time this year felt snubbed, dismissed and lonely, it seemed that everybody had something better to than spend time with her. The time she would soon spend with Mason was her last chance to have somebody actually care about her, she'd seen the way he'd looked after Evie.

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