The Answer - Evie

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"So what are you going to do?" Piper asks me the question I'd been asked a ridiculous amount of time in the past twenty four hours since the revealing conversation with Mason.

"Well the facts are I'm engaged, I'm getting married in less than two months and it's not exactly a low profile wedding either. There's a lot of big names coming, a lot of Dad's pals" hence why I didn't want a big wedding because I knew it would suddenly turn into a really formal thing for business associates, colleagues and friends of my parents. Then before you know it, it becomes way too much like the wedding of the Mafia's daughter and everyone wanting a favour.
"Then there's Mason and it's complicated but ten days with him makes me feel happier than I've been in months. I know what my life with him would look like, with him and with Callie-"

"And you've probably got a smile on your face, just by talking about Mason. I'm going to say it for what it is, Team Mavie all day everyday. You shouldn't be marrying Dominic, especially not when your heart and mind isn't even in it. Sibby thinks that too by the way"

"Do you just make ship names for all your couples friends?" I laugh.

"When my love life is a little dry that's exactly what I do"

"I'll call you back Dad's here"

"Next time we talk and I ask you what you're going to do I want an actual answer. Not roundabouts see ya"

"Bye" I hang up as Dad comes over to the entrance, he's the only man I know that wears sunglasses all year round. As expected I see a couple of photographers taking photos and ignore them. If you keep a low enough profile, they tend to get bored of you. But they always seem to rear their ugly head whenever we see Dad.

"Miele how are you? I hope you weren't waiting long" He asks, removing his sunglasses, kissing both my cheeks and hugging me.

"I'm fine Dad" I smile as we enter the restaurant he'd chosen, the open interior is mellow with a sand like colour scheme, two rows of large palm trees running the length of the room, when you look up you can see the glass and they have a harpist. Not really the type of restaurant I would've expected him to choose, but I like it. Dad doesn't wait to be seated he simply walks towards a table a suitable distance from the harpist, he nods at one of the waiters who comes over to us, we sit and the waiter hands us our menus.

"Let me guess, you will have the herb gnocchi?" Dad teases knowing it's the only vegetarian main I can eat.

"Oh how did you guess?" I fondly roll my eyes at him, his face sets into a more serious tone.

"How is Dominic? My rather eager son in law"

"He's fine, working hard as always"

"Is that a hint of resentment I detect?"


The waiter saves me from potential interrogation, she smiles kindly at us both and takes our orders. I opt for the white onion and truffle soup and Dad orders the Cornish crab, I twiddle my thumbs in anticipation of a potential conversation with Dad that could end with him challenging my decision to marry Dominic. It seems that every other conversation I have with somebody I care about always reverts to my impending nuptials.

"Can I tell you something?" Dad shifts in his seat, fiddling with his cobalt tie, surprising me the way he looks uncomfortable like he was on trail for fraud.


"I've been putting off this conversation for years, trying to rationalise my cowardice as it not being the right time. I told myself that I would tell you as soon as you asked me but you never did. I was fine with that until I had a conversation with one of your brothers" considering Dad is only on speaking terms with Michel I'm going to take a stab in the dark and assume it was Michel.

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