The Visit (Part One) - Evie

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"So you're both really leaving me here in the apartment alone for days on end to chase dick appointments" Piper curses, then sits on the sofa in our three bedroom apartment not too far from our respective unis.

"I'm not chasing a dick appointment!" I protest sitting beside her.

"For the record I'm going for an interview with a designer" Libby clarifies.

"With Sean as your bodyguard come on, you two are definitely going to have sex on this trip" Piper teases and I wholeheartedly agree with her.

"We are just friends! And he's not coming as my bodyguard we're just traveling together I'm going to my interview and he's going to see Leo! We're not going to bone! And what about Evie who actually is driving three hours for dick!"

"I'm not chasing dick! It's Mason's birthday in a couple of days and when I asked him what he wanted he said seeing me would be a good present! It was practically an invitation" it's not an invitation, I know, but a girl can pretend right? Freshers week had been fun, plenty of guys on call at all hours, but despite all of that I do miss Mason. We did say that visits to each other's uni is still keeping it casual so why not?

"Okay I'm going to come back to you in a minute but first the dimmer Tressler twin" she points to me then claps her hands and leans forward in the direction of Libby who's scowling at the insult Piper gave her.
"Libby you're fine as hell; Sean obviously fancies the pants off of you-"

"Do you actually think I'm fine or are you just saying that cause we're identical twins?" Libby teases.

"Girl I said what I said you're gorgeous and you two get on like a house - nay - village on fire! Every single time we go for lunch he has eyes for only you, E back me on this"

"Pipe's right, I've caught you guys hanging out on this very sofa just watching movies and it feels like I've walked in on Don and Honey about to do the dirty, the sexual tension is crazy" even though I know I'm not disturbing them it always feels like I'm interrupting.

"Exaggeration much! We're only hanging out!"

"Exactly but the sexual tension is crazy! He's had a thing for you for ages but he's probably waiting for you to get over Dexter and give him the signal you're ready"

"Hey I've been over Dexter since I heard he caught chlamydia on the first night of freshers!"

"Oh God I forgot about that" I groan laughing, it's ironic he broke up with Libby so he could experience things with other girls, yet catching an std on the first night had put a stumbling block in his plans.
"So does that mean you're ready to hook up with Sean?" I raise my brows at her.

"Not you too E! I'm not gonna deny that Sean could easily be a descendant of Hercules, but that doesn't mean he and I are right for each other. I think I'd rather look for the one rather than a meaningless hookup that could ruin our friendship!" Forever the hopeless romantic.

"Sometimes it's so hard to believe we're related, we're eighteen almost nineteen Nothing wrong with some harmless hookups"

"Maybe Sean's the one for me I don't know I mean being with a guy like Sean wouldn't be the worst thing ever" she smiles, almost to herself and it's obvious she likes him, even if she's too nervous to make a move. Piper's about to protest when a rapid knock at the door interrupts and hopefully spares me from getting an earful from Piper about Mason.

Libby answers the door to find Sean with a suitcase and a genuine large smile on his face when he sees her. How can two people be so blind as to what's in front of them I scoff.

"Hey Sean! Come in join us on the sofa" Piper beckons him in, he puts his suitcase by the door where mine and Libby's bags are. He sits on one of the two seaters patting the seat next to him for Libby to join and I swear she's blushing as she sits beside him.

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