The First Time - Mason

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Note to self.

If I make any more friends, in particular best friends do not kiss their sisters. Terms and Conditions include full, step and especially half, be very wary of the half. I wish someone had warned me earlier; perhaps if they did I wouldn't be yearning for Evie right now.

I wouldn't be rereading some of our text messages still smiling at the funny parts wishing she was with me right now.

I wouldn't be recalling the last time we'd been alone together a long and distant six weeks ago. Which had come to an abrupt and unwelcome close by Michel.

I wouldn't be grinning at the thought of the picture she'd sent me with the flowers I'd sent her as an apology for our interruption.

I wouldn't be coming back from a date with a nice enough girl yet have my mind full on Evie.

I wouldn't have slept with another person and still be thinking of Evie. What has this woman done to my head with only a couple of months of hooking up and dates.

"I take it your date didn't go well?"

"Huh?" I snap out of my trance looking up from my phone as Andy nudged me as we sat in the back seat of Michel's car. We'd foolishly agreed to drive one car to the sports resort.

"It was alright, nothing out of the ordinary happened" looking out the window wondering what Evie's up to, I could text her and within an hour we could be together hiding out in her room or something. Tempting but I can't ditch my friends...

"Then how comes you can't focus long enough to answer any questions?" Beth, Andy's girlfriend of two years and the only girl of our group asked.

"No reason, just daydreaming"

"Riiiight" Jacob smirked turning his head round from the front seat. I really wish he hadn't called shotgun.
"He definitely slept with that girl" shrugging in response not wishing to divulge anymore since I feel guilty for sleeping with her to get my mind off of someone else. Looking up at the rear mirror I catch Michel's eyes he raises his brow at me, questioning my sudden reluctance to share.

"So I think I'm ready to start dating again" Michel begins, changing the subject and saving my ass for what feels like the millionth time, with a brief nod as a thanks I lean back and listen to Beth list a number of her friends that Michel would apparently like, glad to not be the focus of the conversation. Turning off my phone to avoid the temptation of messaging her, we'd seen each other in the house since coming for the holidays last week but we haven't had any alone time and I can't help but yearn for her.

"Anyone fancy getting drinks?" Jacob pipes up.

"Can't, I have to go to my parents for this interview" I groan, spending time with them isn't terrible but it's not natural either, it just always feels forced.

"Aww are you going to spend the holidays with your family?" Beth asks.

"Probably not, they don't really celebrate Christmas"


"I couldn't miss the D'Silver's Christmas Eve sports tournament anyway, they're academically not physically gifted" I tease lightening the mood. Although they're my closest friends, it comes across like my parents interpretation of a parent child relationship made them uncomfortable or pitiful. Well apart from Michel, he just understands, there's never any pity or judgement.

"Oh yeah? Didn't you fall flat on your face during football"

"I was twelve you fell on your face last year, still feel confident?"

"Okay opposite teams this year, loser has to eat whatever Evie cooks for dinner" As infatuated as I am with her, even I can't deny her cooking is awful.

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