The Second Year Mark - Evie

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"You know my birthday was like a month ago right?"

"I know, but when we last saw each other, I felt kind of bad, like I wasn't being a supportive friend and we've been friends for the longest time. I wouldn't want to throw it away cause of a series of wrong words exchanged. So it only make sense that I apologise the best way I know how! By throwing a party! But that's only the first part of the apology, I have something else planned for you and you're going to LOVE me" truth be told, I was a little apprehensive when Jodie called asking for me to come over, especially as we hadn't spoken in like a month or so. Which isn't unusual, but given the way we left things, a large part of me thought we'd just stop talking, you know, amicably end our friendship. But I'm happy she wants to make up, even happier she realises there's something to apologise for, normally Jodie isn't aware of her insensitivity.

"We have been friends for ages haven't we? It doesn't even feel that long ago does it? It's been what? Eight years or so? And a party? When and where is this said party?"

"Oh my gosh, I feel like I have a picture from the first day we met! Yes Evie, a party, it's just what everyone needs before exams officially start so, I'm thinking it should happen today!" She said casually, searching her room for the photo, my eyes widen when I hear that she's throwing a party tonight, it's eleven in the morning, that doesn't leave us with a lot of time.

"Jodie, how are we going to throw a party in just a couple of hours?"

"Evie, this isn't our first rodeo, you and I know that, remember the first house party I threw? When we were what fourteen? It was awesome and we did it in what? Three hours!" She laughs, still searching for the photo, she pulls out an album and it's like a visual representation of our friendship through the years.

"I can't believe we did that! Actually I can't believe that fake ID even worked! How could they believe you were nineteen!" I laugh, Jodie had always been more mature for her age, mentally and physically, she certainly aged quicker than the rest of us, she never had her gawky caterpillar stage, Jodie's always been a beautiful butterfly from the very beginning. But as we grew, sometimes it seems like she resents that I don't rely on her as much for advice and stuff.

"We've had some really good times together haven't we? Look here it is!" Jodie points to the photo of the day we first met, both of us had our tongues out and peace signs up, my face was rounder with a couple of spots, my hair in a loose pony tail held by a scrunchy. I used to love that scrunchy. Jodie had relaxed hair, nine times out of ten, like in the photo she had it gelled back with the ends curled, giving off this look of sleek elegance, even as a pre teen her skin was smooth and proportionate. I remember first seeing her and knowing I just had to be her friend, especially as we were both the only ones in detention that day, I thought it was fate, like us being friends was meant to be.

"We truly have, okay so what's the plan Coleman? Dole me out some orders Captain and we'll get this party organised in no time" I salute her causing us both to laugh. Maybe to aid our friendship, it wouldn't hurt to have a little throwback, us spending time together, goofing about and making mischief.

"Okay lets go on an alcohol run, I'm thinking beer begs, cider kegs, all the kegs, spirits and mixers. I'm going all out for my bestie! We're celebrating you and the amazing woman you are" she hugs me tightly, planting a big kiss on my cheek.

I've missed this and I've missed her.

"Aye aye captain" I grin as we look at more photos in the album, I laugh at the photos of us protesting a zoo, because keeping animals locked up is inhumane, one protesting SeaWorld over their orca tanks and boycotting a caterer that slaughtered their animals onsite for clients. That's just to name a few events Jodie had come to for my sake.

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