The Italian Stallion - Evie

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"Remind me why I agreed to Italy in December?" I groan as I watch the rain pour from inside Nona's stuffy house. It wouldn't be so bad if it was cool rain but it's still hot making outside unbearable. The negative effects of Global warming are kicking in I guess, hot rain in December, when will influential corporations see they've ruined our planet.

"Because Nona didn't give us a choice" Ra Ra says in her matter of fact tone. Her head resting on my lap while I half heartedly plait her hair.

"Even Leo's making an appearance that ought to say something" Michel laughs but he makes a valid point, since Leo left for uni last summer he hadn't been home making up excuses left, right and centre. Next reading week I'm going to head over there and make him talk to me, a couple of minutes in one of my headlocks should do the trick.

"Day dreaming are we?" Andrea, a family friend pinches my cheek much to my annoyance, sitting on the other side of me, his arm laying on the head of the sofa close to my shoulders. Swatting his hands away I ignore him knowing if I engage with him he'll only annoy me more, he's like the mosquitos outside, a pest that's constantly around and makes a beeline for exposed skin.

"All I'm saying is we should've come here in the summer, I'd rather go on another of Nono's tours of the vineyards again than be stuck inside this whole holiday" I moan

"If you are bored I can send all the workers home and you alone can clean this house from top to bottom madam, that will give you plenty to do before you leave" Nona's raspy voice surrounds the room from behind.

"I didn't say I was bored" I say as innocently as I can knowing full well she can see through my lies, Nona seems to have a sixth sense that she always uses to her advantage when it comes to us.

"I love my husband dearly but I would not go on one of your Nono's tours if you paid me" she laughs sitting in the armchair beside Mason.

"Can you do one of your sixth sense tricks again?" Ra Ra sits up, her eyes glistening as she begs Nona to predict the future, a skill that hasn't failed her just yet.

"One prediction and you will all get up from the parlour and do something productive!"

"We promise!" Ra Ra beams not bothering to consult the rest of us.

"Honey's pregnant with a girl" she smiles coyly.

"No she's not!" Ra Ra gasps leaping out of my lap probably to find Honey and interrogate her.

"Up, all of you, there is plenty to do around the house, Mason my love help me in the kitchen. You're my only grandchild that actually knows what they're doing in there" tittering at Michel and me for not showing a passion like Mason.

"He's not your grandchild" Andrea reminds her taking pride in being a general dick.

"I do not recall asking you" Nona hit back giving him a single look that wiped off any cheeky thought he previously had. Nona's fiercely protective of us all, especially Mason teaching him Italian the moment his eyes glazed with confusion as she spoke rapid Italian to him the first time they had met. Not wasting another second with those unskilled in the kitchen, Nona marches Mason towards the kitchen.

"I forget how venomous Nona can be" Andrea mumbles most likely embarrassed by being shown up.

"Serves you right, you've made too many dickish comments at Mason's expense" I roll my eyes trying to find something to do, if Nona comes back and we're still lounging around I know she'll whack us with her wooden spoon.

"Hit a nerve did I?" Andrea follows me out the room.

"No!" I scowl not wanting to share what's going on between Mason and I.

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