The Hitch

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Leo rolled his eyes at his computer screen, he knew that he would get more than an earful about bailing on the D'Silver tradition. But in his defence, Kayleigh's parents had travelled all the way from Nebraska, they hardly ever visited New York and after four years of spending Christmas with Leo's family it made sense to finally spend it with Kayleigh's. To Leo that was a pretty reasonable and valid reason to break tradition but the overwhelming volume coming from the computer said otherwise.

"So what do you guys have planned for today then?" Kayleigh tried to throw her boyfriend a life line. She loved the D'Silver's and the relationship they have with each other but she wasn't a fan of the gentle bullying of her boyfriend, especially as the ring leader always seemed to be Evie

"Dinner at Lucinda's"

"Tell her she needs to open a branch in New York I would kill for her pappardelle right now" Leo groaned, feeling a tinge of home sickness.

"How about when you come down for my wedding, I take you out to Lucinda's?"

"God yes! How's the wedding stuff going, not long now right?"

"Yeah! Not long now, super excited can't wait!" She lied, hoping that there was a lag in the connection and Leo wouldn't be able to tell she was lying, but he saw her face and her lie so clearly. He was about to call her out on it but Kayleigh interrupted.

"Must be so exciting! Do you think it'll be long before we get an invitation to the christening?" She teased but also hinting to her boyfriend slightly that she wants a ring, instead he elbowed his girlfriend giving her a cautionary look for asking about children.

"Shouldn't ask a woman about babies" he murmured discreetly, remembering the social etiquette on woman's bodies lecture Evie had given him for asking Libby that once.

"I actually have been thinking about babies" Evie admitted, she knew that by having PCOS there's a higher likelihood of developing certain serious health conditions such as uterine cancer. She'd spoken to her doctor about her options, eventually deciding on having her uterus removed, but first she wanted a baby, she just had to get her own fiancé on board.

"Really? Am I going to be an uncle again?"

"Shouldn't ask a woman about babies" Kayleigh playfully elbowed and teased him.

"You never stopped being an uncle, but yeah, if all goes my way I might have a baby this time next year" she smiled hopefully, knowing that it was a long shot, especially as Dominic was adamant about waiting to have kids.

"You're going to be a good mum" Leo smiled back at his sister.

"I know, now I have to go before Sergeant Don starts barking orders about us being late"

"That I don't miss, say hi to Lucinda for me"

"Will do, see ya!" She waved to both Kayleigh and Leo signing off. Checking the time, she sighed loudly wondering when Dominic would get here, so far her plan to bridge the gap between her fiancé and siblings was failing. Their relationship looked less like a little tear in fabric that could be stitched together. In fact it was more like Vauxhall Bridge, not appealing to see, not that special and almost unheard of.

It had been eleven days and there'd been no sign of progress.

Calling his phone for the umpteenth time, impatiently tapping her foot, sighing and hoping it wouldn't lead to his annoying voicemail again.

"Evie seriously, stop calling, it's annoying and I'm trying to work" Dominic groaned.

"I think the words you were looking for are actually, Hey Evie, I'm a little preoccupied right now, but I'll be home soon for the dinner you told me about twice" she responded dryly.

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