The Last Chance - Mason

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Checking my phone for the thousandth time I hope to find a notification, a missed call, a text, a whatsapp, a tweet, anything, literally anything I would accept a pigeon carrier message at this point.

It's been twenty four hours.

Twenty four straight hours of utter silence.

Not that I can explain or rationalise it, but the whole journey to the airport I expected Evie to pop up, maybe chase me through customs declaring that what she'd said wasn't true. That somehow it was a misunderstanding of some sorts, that she would never really choose Dominic over me, that the short time we'd spent reconnecting with each other wasn't just a bet between her and her fiancé. In my heart I know the woman I love would never do something so heartless, not to me, I know she loves me I know she loves us and our life together.

I just don't understand what happened.

How we went from kissing and cuddling each other so lovingly, so affectionately after the football game to saying our last goodbye. It couldn't have been more than an hour before everything changed between us, an hour of unaccounted time where I can't fathom that Evie suddenly had a change of heart.

Nothing about our time together has ever been fake.

I don't care if I sound delusional pinning after her, torturing myself trying to make sense of it all.

It's Christmas and even with my daughter so happy I can't think of anything or anyone else.

I see her face when Callie and I left and I'd be stupid to believe that was a happy woman.

Why wouldn't she want me to stay?

It makes no sense.

I know he must've done something.

I don't know what he did but I'm going to find out. 

Fuck giving up on the love of my life.

I know her.

Evie D'Silver isn't heartless.

She doesn't play with people or their emotions.

Even when I thought she'd broken my heart by getting engaged to Dominic, it wasn't what it looked like.

What happened yesterday wasn't what it looked like either.

Evie's been in my life longer than she hasn't.

I'm going to figure this out, it's not like I can move on.

I can't revise without my mind finding it's way to the memory of her crestfallen face trying to say goodbye to me.

When I try to concentrate on the beautiful peaceful holiday I'm on, I can see her slumped over the toilet in pain dry heaving and vomiting as I try to walk away from her.

Even as I eat I remember how silent she'd been at the dinner table, how she pushed around the food on her plate not even attempted to eat any of it.

As Callie animatedly tells me about the drawings she's spent most of the day doing, my mind is plagued with the memory of Evie breathlessly clutching her chest and running from the table. I was scared when I saw that, scared she was having a heart attack, fearful she'd drop dead, terrified I could randomly just lose her and in one way I did.

I can't enjoy Cabo.

Or this beautiful villa.

I didn't even enjoy Christmas.

I'd plastered on a smile and false excitement for Callie as she tore open her presents showing me each one.

Selfishly all I could think about was Evie.

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