The Anniversary - Evie's POV

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"Did you do anything for your anniversary?"

"Anniversary?" I raise my brow at him over FaceTime before concentrating on the multiple faces at the arrival gate of the airport searching for Jodie's.

"Yeah, you said you and Mason first got together a week after your birthday, that was a month ago so what did you do?" He speaks slowly as if I'm dumb.

"Leo, Mason and I aren't dating, we don't do anniversaries" I say in the same slow manner.

"Okay what do friends with benefits or fuck buddies do to celebrate?"

"New York has really changed you I don't think I ever could've imagined Leonardo Eliseo D'Silver using the term fuck buddies without bursting into tears" I tease him.

"You're stalling" he notes sourly. I roll my eyes at him still searching the large crowd hoping Jodie can get me out of this one. For the first time Jodie doesn't magically appear out of nowhere.

"We didn't do anything" I try to convince him.


"Who are you and what have you done with my brother! Since when do you swear!"

"Stop stalling!"

"I'm not stalling or lying!" Well technically I'm not, we didn't do anything for our 'anniversary' but we did go out for my birthday. Mason had reserved one of the capsules on the London Eye for a private champagne tasting and dinner at Clos Maggiore, before we spent the night in the Savoy, I don't even want to think how much it all cost him but I know it wasn't cheap. It was a night I didn't particularly want to share with anyone, not even Leo, it was probably the most thoughtful gift anyone outside my family had given me.

"Alright I believe you" guess I'm getting better at lying.

"While we're here talking about my birthday and each other's love said you'd come home for my birthday, yet you didn't"

"Oh come on, something unexpected came up and I couldn't fly out I'm sorry and I already apologised"

"Bullshit" I mimic his tone from earlier enjoying my brother's discomfort.

"I thought Jodie would've been here by now?"

"Quit stalling" I taunt him.

"Who told you?" He sighs knowing there's little use denying anything.

"Ra-Ra saw a girl come out of your bathroom in a towel during FaceTime, not really appropriate content for a twelve year old is it?" Considering Ra-Ra is terrible at keeping secrets, I'm not sure how Leo thought we wouldn't find out about it.

"I had no idea before it was too late" he groans again.

"Well dear brother give me details, name where you met, how long"

"It kinda just happened one night after a game we were all celebrating our team's win-"

"Have you had a personality transplant since when do you follow sports?"

"Er since I've had a chance to learn more about myself rather than be put inside the nerd box my family have stuffed me into" he responds sternly, point made

"Leo's come out the box? Is that his way of coming out cause I called it years ago" Jodie drawls almost causing me to jump, I hadn't even seen her come towards me. Without even thinking I hug her tight it'd been months since I'd seen her.

"Well that's my cue to go" Leo grumbles taking offence at Jodie's joke.

"You know she didn't mean it and text me those details!"

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