The Beginning of Summer - Evie

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"School's out for the summer, school's out forever" I sang along with the Tressler twins and Jodie as we drove away from Paxton Academy our prison for the last seven years and our last exam. The next time we'd step foot inside would be to collect our results.

"It feels like the end of an era" Libby sighed turning into Jodie's driveway.

"I'm not going to miss PA I'm ready to move on, maybe go travelling" Jodie shrugs settling on humming the rest of the song.

"PA won't miss your delinquent ass either" Piper smiles.

"Whatever Piper, at least we don't have to be around each other anymore"

"AMEN" Libby calls out.

"I don't want to be a child of divorce again, can't we all hang out together without me having to split my time" I tease.

"I wouldn't count on it but I'll see you tomorrow for cocktails" Jodie gets out the car, getting ready for her hot date tonight.

"Bye!" We all chorus, it doesn't take Libby long to get out of Jodie's driveway, most likely eager to talk about Mason without the negative tones of Jodie's voice.

"So Mason's coming home this week, what are you going to do?" Libby enquires, how did I know she would start.

"I don't know, say hi or something? Maybe he'll have gotten a girlfriend in the mean time" I shrug gnawing at my lip a little, I hadn't really thought about it too much these past weeks, I guess that's a perk of exams. I don't really know what I'll say to him, maybe he'll have rethought it and decided it would be best if we returned to business as usual. There's no way to know till I see him.

"You guys have been texting each other at least once a week and consider how much work you've put into your exams"


"If you've hardly had any spare time to go out and meet someone new how would he have? His exams are arguably a lot harder than ours right?"

"I should get bored of telling you guys how right you are"

"You probably should but it won't stop us being right" Piper trilled.

"Can we talk about someone else's love life I can't handle mine, Libby how's Dexter?" My question apparently falling on deaf ears.

"Your love life is only just blossoming, now you're both home for the summer you could start dating!" Libby squealed, ever the hopeless romantic bless her.

"And then September rolls around and I'm going to uni almost two and half hours away from him? How's that going to work out huh?" I await some form of a genius answer on their behalf but they both draw a blank.
"Just as I thought" I mumble. It'd be too much too soon to ask him to be faithful and monogamous whilst we're at university, so far from each other, I'd always been told that university is supposed to be the best years of your life. It would be selfish to hold Mason back from enjoying his time there or to even hinder my own.

"Don't be so down, you never know how things will turn out"

"I suppose, I can drink away every doubt tomorrow night anyway"

"I do like the way you think, but let's drink responsibly you know how Jodie gets" borderline paralytic and one of us, mainly me will have to look after her.

"Don't remind me I have flashbacks from last time" I shudder just as Libby pulls up to my house.

"See you tomorrow E!"

"Bye Girls!" I blow them both a kiss and head inside the house.

"HELLO!?" I yell met with no response, I try the games room as it's sound proof and nobody would hear my calls. Popping my head round I see Leo and Sean engaged in some online game both decked with headsets, I know better than to disturb them. Last time we ended up in a brawl on the floor and being grounded for two weeks.

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