The Favour - Mason

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It's been two weeks since Evie's birthday, fourteen days since she let me in on her birthday tradition. Which isn't necessarily a big deal but it feels like the equivalent of giving someone their own key to your heart. Evie gave me a part of herself that day, a part that she didn't show or share with everyone, a part that's only for me to see. Texting her, I check there were no difficulties with Jodie taking Callie for the evening. I know as of late Callie sometimes puts up a little resistance when she has to be with Jodie. After assurance that Callie's okay I get back to work.

I leave my campus library tired of revising, driving straight home, I know I'll be driving back to an empty cottage. Part of me wants to swing by the D'Silver home and just pick her up bridal style, take her back to the cottage. Not just for sex, I just like being around Evie, she's a huge part of my everyday life and I want to be around her everyday. My thoughts on Evie are cut short by my phone going off, pulling up outside the cottage I answer the phone.

"Michelangelo D'Silver long time no see" I mock him, considering he's now residing in Bristol I don't see my best mate as often as I used to.

"Mason Clarke let's amend that"

"What are you suggesting?"

"Fancy a weekend in Bristol? Things are a bit shitty at the moment" he admits, I don't have any exams for another two weeks, so why not.

"You alright?"

"Priya" he sighs sounding frustrated.

"I'm going to call Evie and see if she can look after Callie till I'm back, then I'll drive down"

"Okay, thanks Mase" he hangs up and I call Evie.

"Mase?" Her voice sounds emotional and slightly strangled.

"You okay?" I ask concerned, she's silent for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Are you home?" She says in haste.

"Why do you sound nervous? Are you sure you're okay? I just pulled up why?"

"Just thinking about things that's all, erm so why'd you call?"

"Michel's upset so I was going to drive down to Bristol, that's only if you're okay with having Callie while I'm gone?"

"Is he okay? And of course, I'll go pick her up later"

"I'm thinking fight or break up, I just know Priya's involved, thank you, I'll FaceTime you guys later so I tell her I'll be back soon"

"Hmm, keep me updated and drive safely"

"I'll text you when I get to Bristol"

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back hopefully"

"Hopefully? As if I could go without seeing your beautiful face" there I go again, I sigh.

"Mm Mason Robert Clarke, could I ask a favour?"


"Don't stop saying sweet earnest things, even when you think they're word farts" I hear the smile in her voice, without looking in the mirror I know there's a smile on my face identical to a teenage girl being told she's liked for the first time.

"I like that you like that part of me"

"How could I not like any part of you? Bye Mase, drive safely and come back to me" she speaks softly, I can't wait to get back to this woman. After exchanging more goodbyes she hangs up. I walk into the cottage, heading to my room to pack a couple of clothes before walking back out, turning off all the lights before deciding to grab a couple of snacks from the fridge then locking up.

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