The New Arrival - Mason

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Watching Evie's face light up as she laughs at the water soaking my shorts I don't regret sneaking around.

But I regret bringing water guns on our hike.

"You think it's funny?"

"Hilarious" she pants trying to regain her breath. Picking up my water gun I spray her right between her breasts, the quick change from amusement to disbelief makes me laugh as the water trickles down her front. Grabbing her gun we chase each other around the hillside till we run out of water. She's just as soaked as I am, wrapping my wet body around her in a hug I genuinely wish that our time together would never have to end. In the space of three weeks we'd managed to rack up a total of thirteen 'dates', I'm not sure what she calls them, but I prefer to call them dates. Every moment we both had spare we spent it together hiding away from the others, kissing and hanging out.

Today we hiked in the woods an hours drive away having a picnic and water fight near the top of the hill. The lack of strong signal made it perfect for privacy and away from any lingering feelings of guilt about the sneaking around.

Laying back on the blanket watching the clouds she curls up beside me, her arm across my chest and her head resting on my shoulder. Part of me still thinks I died that night at her charity dinner because I still can't explain how we got here.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks her head props up a little so her breath tickles my neck. Not wanting to admit I still can't believe how lucky I am to even be this close to her I need to think of something quick.

"The clouds look cool" will I ever say anything remotely interesting or intelligent?

"Did you know those are cirrostratus clouds and those ones over there are cirrocumulus?"

"I know that now, do you know other cloud names?"

"Yeah, there's the nimbus, kinda like the broomstick in Harry Potter which I thought was clever and-" we're interrupted by my phone ringing, huh guess we can get a little bit of signal here, glimpsing at it, it's Michel.
"Jenny related problems?" Evie guesses when I show her the caller ID.

"Maybe" I mumble unsure of whether I should pick it up or not. Just as I'm about to answer, it becomes a missed call, wait I have seven missed calls from him. 


"Seven missed calls from him" I groan sitting up worrying he might be calling to kill me, maybe we haven't been as careful as we thought? Maybe he knows!

"It could be about anything" Evie says confidently but I see the worry behind her eyes as she scrambles for her own phone. Showing me her notifications, I don't know whether it should make me feel relief it's not just Michel calling. She has a missed call from at least every member of the family, that's a lot of missed calls.

"I'll call him back, see what's up" I tell her not liking the unease in her facial expressions. Placing the phone on loudspeaker it's not long before Michel picks up.

"MASE! I've been calling you for ages, have you disappeared off the face of the earth?" Michel calls out, the stress evident in his voice, Evie grabs my hand hearing the stress too.

"Sorry I forgot to look at my phone what's up, is everyone okay?"

"Yeah yeah, Honey's gone into labour, Don's freaking out, and you know how he gets when he's stressed, he wants everyone at the hospital, we just can't find Evie" she lets out a breath of air, probably because it's not a crisis like we originally thought.

"Er any ideas where she is?" I ask not really knowing what else to say, yeah I know where she is we've been fooling around in the car, hiking now we're holding hands while your sister in law is in labour.

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