The Lonely Year - Evie

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"We shouldn't be doing this" I rasp, trying hard to sound convincing but his eyes alone have me rooted to the spot, he comes closer, closing the space between us and effectively trapping me against the wall.

Not that I mind.

"I think we should" he speaks slowly, directly into my ear, his callous lips brushing against my skin with each word causing my pet butterflies that have taken residence in my stomach to come alive. I feel wet kisses on my neck.

I should push him off, remind him I'm engaged.

Remind myself I'm engaged.

Instead I roll my head back allowing him more access to my neck, a small moan escapes my lips as he applies more pressure to his kisses. I can feel the weight of his body pressing me further into the wall, his fingers play with the hem of skirt making contact with my bare thigh. His fingers brush further up my body, he pauses, pulling away only slightly still staying close, his gorgeous green orbs fixed on my own hazel ones, his index finger trails my lower lip, tugging it gently.

"Tell me to stop" he murmurs, his finger still on my lips.

"Tell me to stop and I'll stop" he repeats, but I can't.

I can't tell him to stop cause I've missed him, missed being with him.

Closing the small gap between us, I lowkey lunge at him, clinging to him like my life depends on it. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss him, biting and sucking his lower lip gently, he lifts me by my bum and I wrap my legs around his waist, like a barnacle I can't stop clinging to him.

Part of me is scared that if I let go he'll leave me again.

Making this moment happen was hard enough.

Our kisses are frantic and demanding as we battle for dominance, his hands fumble about trying to unbutton his trousers, he sets me down on my feet, spinning me around so I'm facing the wall. He lifts my dress up ripping my thong and it falls to the floor, within seconds my legs are spread and he's inside me, thrusting his cock inside of me, slowly, relishing every second being inside me one hand grips my lower waist the other just above my head for stability. His lips return to my neck and the top of my spine, nipping at my skin, moaning in my ear telling me how wet I am. My inside feels so weak, I'm so close to coming it's unreal, I beg for more of him and just as I feel myself about to release I hear my fiancé's voice.


"Don't worry about him" Mason murmurs. "Focus on me, on my voice Bubs" but it's too late, Dominic's voice is louder and closer this time startling me, till I roll out of bed, waking me up from my wet dream.

Wet is an understatement, I'm drenched in sweat, my fringe plastered to my forehead and I know I definitely have to change the sheets. Sitting up on the floor I turn to Dominic who's fully dressed in a black suit ready to head to work, which wouldn't be such a bad thing if it wasn't a Saturday and we didn't have plans.

"What were you dreaming about? You were moaning like you were in pain" he asks confused, helping me up from the floor, I steady my breathing hoping he can't tell I'm aroused.

"I don't remember, I woke up and I snapped out of it" I lie, not wanting to admit it's a recurring dream that I've had for the past year.
"I thought you were having a day off today? You know, like most people who work nine to five, Monday to Friday?" changing the subject, shining the spotlight on Dominic instead of me.

"Most people don't have ambition like me, I'm gunning to be the youngest CEO in the biopharma industry, you know that. Being ambitious and having drive isn't just cheap talk, I have to put in the work and that means making sacrifices. You understand that right? You're a hard working woman I know you do" he holds my face in two hands, speaking slowly like he needs, rather than wants me to understand his point of view.

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