The Thunderstorm - Third Person

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Evie was still shaken by Mason's presence, she had to get a grip.

"Mason you scared the crap out of me" she pants looking at him in his grey joggers and t shirt. He simply stood there as if he were mute, watching her taking in her beauty, before realising he was staring.

"Didn't mean to, are you alright you seem jittery?"

"Don't laugh but I hate thunderstorms, lightning and all that sort of thing it freaks me out" somehow she thought because there hadn't been one in years she'd overcome it but it wasn't looking promising.

"Come on you know I wouldn't laugh, do you feel like you're going to throw up or something?" he walks closer to her, tempted to hold her close to him.

"No, I'm just grabbing a snack, crackers, cheese and grapes are good in times of peril" she sighs, wishing her Mum and Lynne were here to comfort her like they normally did.

"What else do you normally do when there's a thunderstorm, is there anything I can do to help?" In reality Mason wanted nothing more than to ask her about her date with Tommy but even with his foot in mouth disease he knew it wasn't the time to ask.

"Go to Mum and Lynne's room, stay with them, talk to them, I just hate being alone" she muttered, she didn't want to impose on Mason but she wanted him to stay with her more than anything.

"I could stay with you if you like?" He suggested trying to steady his own breath, he couldn't work out what it was, but Evie made him nervous sometimes.

"Aren't you busy with the guys?"

"Half of them are asleep they won't notice" the thunder struck again making Evie jump, her hands were shaky as she tried to spread the cheese with the crackers. Mason's hand covered hers steadying them, unsure of what possessed him to do such a thing.

His proximity to her was driving him crazy, he prayed his mini soldier wouldn't make an appearance. Evie wished she could lean into his touch and melt against him loving the way his biceps curled perfectly around her arms but this was good enough for her. When they'd finished spreading the cheese, Evie took some grapes from the fridge and two bottles of water, leading him out of the kitchen.

"Are we going to your room?" He didn't go into her room often and when he did it was seldom alone, Mason was suddenly unsure whether he could handle it. But how often did he get this opportunity? He resolved to take this chance.

"Jodie's upstairs asleep, she made it very clear not to wake her, so Dad's old office will have to do" when she opened the door, Mason noted the surroundings the sofa with blankets, fairy lights strung up, flat screen tv, a desk and a few side tables cluttered with photos.

"Looks cosy" he wondered whether it was a bright idea to be in such a cosy environment with Evie of all people, all she had to do was give him a certain look and bam he'd get a boner. Laying the plate down on the side table about to sit down, thunder struck loudly, Evie jumped closer to Mason burying her head in his chest.

"Hey it's alright, I'm here" Mason wrapped his arms around her, stroking her hair and inhaling her scent.

"It's so stupid but I just hate how this weather makes me feel" she tried to suppress the sob and the memories threatening to emerge.

"Tell me what's wrong" He pulled her down with him on the sofa, encircling a blanket around them, she shuffled closer to him her heart beating hard and fast as she sat between his legs, leaning on his chest, he pulled her closer her head just below his chin.

"You know I used to live with my birth mother Magdalena, I don't remember a lot about her just small things like her wavy black hair and green eyes and how she always smelt so comforting" she smiled, it'd been the first time she'd spoken about her aloud in years.

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