The Match - Evie

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I feel like I can't breathe as I storm down the pavement, my tears are running down my face thick and fast no matter how often I wipe them.

Why is it that after a year and a fucking half I'm still an emotional wreck over Mason fucking Clarke?

It's like he was taunting me, pretending to care about me, acting as if I'm actually important to him. If I meant anything to him, we wouldn't be in this position, we'd be together.

But we're not.

Is it crazy that a part of me hoped he'd chase after me?

I'm so fucking pissed at him.

But I'm just as pissed at myself.

Why do I still feel something for him?

WHY I wail internally.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm wailing externally too, my teeth start to chatter and I have to admit it wasn't my finest idea to walk away from a ride in this weather. It's so cold I can see the mist from my breath swirling in the air. I don't even know where I'm walking to, I just couldn't stay around him any longer, but sooner or later I'm going to have to stop and get an uber. Car headlights soon come into view, pulling up ahead of me, did he think chasing me down in his stupid car would change my mind?

Does he think I'm completely stupid?

Marching up to the Chevrolet I'm guessing he must've bought, to give him a piece of my mind, I'm startled to find that the owner of the vehicle is a middle aged lady.

"Are you okay?" She asks concerned, her grey eyes kind but that's how people lure you in and abduct you.

Wiping my constant tears I nod, not trusting my voice to speak.

"Are you sure?" She prompts, I nod again.

"Do you need me to call anyone for you?"

Right now I just want to be by myself.

"No it's fine" I give her a watery smile, she looks like she's considering her options, deciding if her conscience will allow her to leave me before she actually nods to assure herself.

"Things always get better" she smiles before driving off and I exhale letting out more tears, how does my heart still hurt after all this time?

My heart's supposed to beat to keep my alive, keep blood pumping and flowing around my body, but with every pump it hurts, I feel pain. I guess that's the price of living with heartbreak?

A price I never asked to pay though.

Like a stupid daily subscription.

"Why exactly should I go fuck myself?" So preoccupied in my thoughts I didn't notice the second set of headlights crawling beside me, Mason's got the window wound down looking at me like didn't know what he did.

Maybe he forgot.

I'm that insignificant to him he forgot.


"Like you don't know!" I scoff. His car is trailing slowly beside me, he looks between me and the road.

"Because I don't! Can you just get in the car before you catch somethin-"

"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT ME!" I yell, shaking from either anger or the cold, I'm not sure. He tilts his head, squinting at me, he aggressively hikes up the handbrake, turning off the engine, unbuckling, he slams the door and he strides towards me. Mason's face is inches from mine and I can tell he's pissed off at me, what does he even have to be angry about?

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