The Visit (Part Two) - Third Person

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Valentines Day was around the corner and it had Mason debating whether or not to buy Evie a card or what to say if anything at all. Christmas had been easy he knew what Evie liked, he'd remembered an artist she said she liked so bought one of their pieces. In exchange she'd gotten him a leather alternative to replace the worn out strap for a watch his grandfather had given him for his eighteenth.

His internal debate was cut short by Michel storming into their shared flat.

"What's up?" He called out not used to seeing his friend so agitated.

"I have to go teach a boy about manners"

"What are you talking about?" Mason got up from the desk following his best friend to the hallway, was this something to do with Jenny? Overall Michel had landed back on his feet after their breakup.

"Some douchebag just dumped Evie then posted this shit online" ah yes Calvin, Mason was aware that Evie had been seeing the aforementioned loser for a couple of weeks, three to be exact. Some glee ran through Mason's body that they were no longer together. But that was quickly replaced with anger when he saw what Calvin had posted on his Facebook page, a rather intimate photograph of Evie, she was covered for the most part but it still wasn't the sort of photo you'd want on the internet. Especially without your consent.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Mason asked calmly not wanting too much emotion to show.

"Well he's publicly embarrassed her, so I'm going to publicly embarrass him" following Michel to the car, Mason wondered what his best friend had up his sleeve.

Evie had spent the last hour talking Darius down. She loved her siblings, of course but why they felt the need to interfere and run to their Dad was beyond her. After the guy she had casually been seeing, Calvin, had bitterly posted a very private photo of her on the internet and tagged her it had taken thirty minutes for her siblings to get Darius involved who was ready to have Calvin arrested. After assuring him she could handle the consequences Evie finally hung up, now she had to convince Piper not to stab Calvin.

"I have everything under control I promise" she assured her. Her phone buzzed, part of her hoped it'd be Mason, his opinion was the one she cared about, she wondered what he would think if he saw those photos. But it was Jodie, telling her she looked hot in the photos, shaking her head at her odd friend she locked her phone.

"We know the right people, no one would even suspect we had a hand to play in this" Piper told her, a dangerous glint in her eye.

"No, I'm going to handle it the right way" before she could divulge her plans their front door was opened by Libby and Sean who were both grinning from ear to ear.

"What did you two do?" Evie groaned not wanting anyone to get in trouble with the university for retaliation. She loved that everyone was rallying around her but she was dealing with it.

"Nothing" Sean said as innocently as he could but his love for mischief and pranking was obvious. Piper and Evie turned to Libby for clarification, she'd be the first to crack.

"Fine we Paper Town'd his ass"

"What does that even mean?"

"If you took our book club more seriously you would know" Libby tittered.

"You know I'm not a John Green fan"

"Just tell us what you did"

"We put sushi under every seat in his car" Sean said casually.

"A product of his pranking and my reading knowledge" they high fived proud of what they had done to avenge their friend and how quickly they had done it.

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