The End of Summer - Third Person

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Since the birth of Luca D'Silver the summer had been fruitful. Clear calm blue skies, hot sun and plenty of dates between Evie and Mason. Currently on date number thirty something hidden in Evie's room, she lay on half his body his hand massaging her scalp as she purred with approval, while his other flicked through the channels trying to find a decent movie before they ordered food. Usually they avoided hanging out in each other's room so openly but they had the house to themselves. 

Or so they thought.

It was hard to tell who was more surprised when Leo walked into her room, thinking he was dreaming Leo took off his glasses, squinted and put them back on. Mason froze, his mouth agape, the connection between his mouth and brain apparently severed. While Evie sat up disentangling herself from Mason calculating the best way to approach getting caught.

"I thought nobody else was home" Mason spoke first.

"I came home early, what is going on? Am I in a parallel universe?" Evie rolled her eyes tilting her head as if to say 'really Leo?'

"Evie and I-" Mason started but he wasn't sure how to end the sentence, he and Evie what?

"To be frank Leo, it's none of your business" Evie concluded, wondering why she even needed to explain herself to Leo of all people.

"I would happily put money in the interference jar to find out what's going on and I'm guessing with that attitude it's not Michel's business either" Leo arced his brow closing the door and taking a seat in the armchair letting her know he wasn't taking no for an answer, she was in no position to be making demands.

"LEO!" Evie whined agitated her brother had bested her.

"Yes dear sister? Are you ready to tell me what's going on or am I going to have to ask Michel?" He smirked until Evie was about to get up to smack that look off of his face, Mason pulled her back knowing that Evie and Leo had always been at each other's throat like this, annoying each other just for annoyance sake. But they had each other's back no way would he tell, well at least that's what Mason thought. Evie nestled into Mason's side sitting up and calming herself down, getting ready to explain herself.

"Mason and I have been hanging out all summer, we didn't tell anyone because it's nothing serious and like I said it's nobody else's business" she sighed wondering whether her annoying ass brother would snitch.

"So have you guys- you know-" both looked back at Leo with blank faces expecting him to finish the sentence
"You know? Done it"

"Sometimes it's so hard to believe you're older than me, are you five? Just say the words Leo"

"Fine have you guys been having sex? Does that make you happy Evie?"

"Well no, I'm not happy it's still none of your business"

"We haven't been having sex" Mason answered earning a glare from Evie
"But like Evie said it isn't any of your business" he affirmed not wanting to be in Evie's bad books.

"So Michel really doesn't know?"

"No and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him Leo"

"Oh no way, I was just saying that to get under Evie's skin, your secret's safe with me" Leo shrugged not really caring what they were doing, he just wanted to be in the know. It wasn't long till he would be leaving for New York, it'd be the farthest he'd ever been from his family and at first it was what appealed to him. Wanting to know he could make a name for himself without his family name influencing anything he did. Though he began to worry that he would soon be left out of the loop in regards to family secrets and gossip, or they'd forget about him. But by knowing this secret, he believed it connected him to the family.

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