The Kiss - Mason

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"I kissed Evie" I confess to Michel, I can hear him pause from whatever it is he's doing.

"I'm sorry, I thought I heard you say you kissed my engaged sister?" He says as if he misheard.

"That's what I said and that's what I did" her lips had been so soft against my own, tasting so sweet and redefined the phrase kiss of life, I'd sucked on her lower lip allowing me access into her cool mouth, battled for dominance and almost died from pleasure. I'd held her in my arms again, like those past months never happened.

"Sorry did you miss the part where I said she was engaged? Did you forget that?"

In the heat of the moment.


I completely forgot.

Honestly, in that moment, I didn't care.

I just had to have her again and it felt natural.

"It didn't feel wrong"

"Okay what happened? Last time I checked you guys weren't even on speaking terms"

"We weren't, till I bumped into her at Lucinda's and it was intense, a lot of yelling and swearing till we got talking. Did you know she wrote me a letter?"

"Are you guys pen pals or something?" I can hear him trying to contain his laughter as he spoke.

"Oh shut up. Apparently in this letter she told me to meet her in London if I felt the same way about her"

"And you didn't?"

"Because I never got the letter that she apparently left on the counter!"

"Why didn't she just hand it to you?"

"That's exactly what I said!" I groan.

"When you think about it, it's kind of funny, she's confessing her feelings to you, you're about to do the same but this letter ruins it. Like Romeo, Juliet and Friar John, you know the guy who's supposed to give Romeo the letter about her fake death"

"Except nobody died and it's not funny cause she's engaged to Dominic" I remind him.

"Okay Debbie Downer I was just saying. So what actually happened to the letter?"

"I don't know, when she left I looked around for the letter but I don't know what happened" I spent the best part of an hour look through nooks, crannies and potential places the letter could've ended up in. Evie refused to tell me what the letter said, I want to see for myself, I want to know how she felt about me once upon a time.

"So are you guys okay now? Is she still going to marry him? Wait she wrote the imaginary letter but does she know what you were doing when she got engaged?"

"I don't know, we kissed, she panicked and said she should go. We didn't really talk about the kiss, I drove her back and she bolted into the house. She said the contents of the letter didn't change anything between us now, I don't see why I should tell her about where I went. It won't change anything" when we kissed, it felt like euphoria, I thought she may have felt it too, felt the same. When she pulled away, my eyes searched hers for even a glint of hope that she wanted to be with me. But I don't know, it's like the reality of it hit her, like she was snapped out of a trance and remembered she's engaged.

"So you guys haven't seen each other in months, kiss and then what? Pretend like it didn't happen? That's not going to work, how, how are you feeling, or well doing after this?"

"I don't want a repeat of the past. I can't bear to lose her again, I miss her, everything about her, even her fiery nature, I want her in my life but I don't know if I can watch her with Dominic. I know I'm obviously bias but I don't think she's happy with him, does he, treat her well?" I think about when Raph came down to the pub, trying to convince me that Evie wasn't happy and I'm beginning to think she'd been right.

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