green time rush

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"OKAY, CLASS, IT'S time for your next social studies project." Miss Collins announced, making everybody in the room groan in disappointment. "You'll be working in pairs to find ways to make the Palm Woods greener and more environmentally friendly."

Everyone faked enthusiasm, half-heartedly cheering, "Yay," while Logan looked around, not all that upset due to his love of learning which Ella would never understand.

"The team with the idea that saves the most energy wins a week off from school," their teacher plainly stated as the students broke out into real excitement, screaming and applauding the news.

"All right, all right," she continued, settling down her class. "The projects are due end of the day Thursday, so now...pick your partner."

With no hesitation, everybody cried out, "Logan!" and lunged for the genius sitting in the middle of the classroom, tugging him back and forth.

"No." Everyone froze and backed away, hearing a deep voice that belonged to a tall guy wearing dark clothing with black, spiked hair. "Logan is my partner," he grumbled, lifting the boy out of his chair by his shirt.

Ella held her hands up in defense, while Carlos and James held on to each other in fear.

Miss Collins went around the room, holding up a paper and writing down the partner names. "Okay, Logan and Ozzie are working together, James and Carlos, The Jennifers, a Jennifer and Camille..." she said as the two girls unenthusiastically high-fived, "and...Kendall, you'll be working with Ella." She finished, as Ella gave a smile to her boyfriend, fist-bumping him.

In all honesty, Jo would've been her first pick, but she was stuck on the set of New Town High all week and would have to hand in the project later.

"I hear we're picking partners today." The girl turned her head, seeing Jett walk into class late as Kendall did a small scoff. "Who's the lucky lady?"

Miss Collins looked around the room, wincing, "Ooh, Jett. Looks like everybody's taken." She then looked at the couple in front of her. "You can work with Kendall and Ella as a trio."

Ella had no problems with Jett, however Kendall was a whole different story.

The two boys looked at each other, before facing their teacher. "What?" They cried out in disbelief.

"Thank you for understanding." Miss Collins hummed, ignoring their protests.


Ella rolled her eyes as she walked back to the crib with Kendall who couldn't stop grumbling about having Jett as a partner.

She sat down at the kitchen table, taking out her school books, before throwing her bag on the floor.

Before she could do anything else, she heard a knock on the door, causing Kendall to groan in annoyance, putting his head down on the table.

Ella walked past a nervous-looking Logan and opened the door, revealing Jett, who held a plate of cheese and crackers. "I'm here, I'm here. Stop your fussing," he announced, striding in casually.

"Stop whining, Hockey-Head. It could be way worse." Ella remarked, looking at Kendall frustratingly take out his laptop. She pointed at a very distraught Logan pacing back and forth in the apartment. "Look at poor Logan."

"Jett?" Kendall mumbled to himself. "I have to partner with Jett? I can't stand Jett!" He exclaimed, completely ignoring the fact that the guy was in the room.

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