big time strike

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ELLA SAT WITH Gustavo and Kelly behind the control panel, watching the boys sing their new song Superstar in the recording booth.

"And you already know that you're a star, a superstar, that you're a-"

All of a sudden, blue sparks shot up their legs, making Ella's eyes widen.

The boys started shouting in surprise.

"What was that?" James cried out.

"You were off-key." Gustavo responded matter-of-factly.

"No! The shocking floor thing!" Kendall snapped.

"Oh, that's my new studio shock system," he stated, holding up a large, metal remote with red buttons. "It's going to help me train you Dogs through negative reinforcement. That way, BTR's second album will be even greater than the first."

Complaints started coming out from all five teens, making Gustavo press the remote, sending another shockwave to the guys.

"Back talk bad!" Gustavo scolded.

"This seems illegal on so many levels." Ella remarked.

Ignoring the girl's comment, Gustavo continued, "Now, Griffin wants a new song tomorrow, and my silver friend here is gonna help us get there."

"Kelly!" The group of five called towards the woman.

"Guys, normally, I would totally object to this abuse." Kelly pointed out. "But, we really need that song fast."

Ella gaped in disbelief. "How is shocking them going to help?"

"Like this," Gustavo retorted, pressing the button once more, making the boys yelp in surprise.

Kendall spoke up, "Gustavo, we know the second album is important."

"Yes, and we know that we have to work our butts off." Carlos added.

"Yeah, so try trusting us." James stated frustratingly.

"Instead of shocking us." Logan reasoned.

Gustavo put a hand to his chin in thought. "Hmm, let me think about it." Ella's jaw dropped as the producer quickly pressed the remote, electrocuting them again.


Throughout the day, Gustavo continued to shock the boys whenever he had the chance. It was as if he got some sort of joy out of it, and knowing Gustavo, he probably did.

When they were in the rehearsal studio, they showed off one of their dance moves, spinning around and posing.

"More rhythm!" Gustavo shouted, pressing the controller, making a part of the floor electrocute the guys.

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