big time audition ₁

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          "OPPORTUNITIES LIKE THIS come once in a lifetime, and when they do, you gotta grab it and turn that thing big time," said Kendall.

The group of five, consisting of Kendall, James, Logan, Carlos, and Ella were standing outside of their tiny high school in Minnesota in front of what appeared to be a t-bar connected to a sprinkler.

Squeezing herself from behind Carlos and Kendall, Ella spoke up, "Guys, this is so stupid. Can we please go back to someone's house? It's freezing out here." She knew she regretted wearing her denim jacket with fur aligned on the inside. It may seem warm, however, winters in Minnesota were not a joke.

Kendall decidedly wrapped his arm around the petite girl trying to warm her up as she blew into her hands, rubbing them to generate heat.

Logan, who seemed to have the most common sense (next to Ella) out of the group, agreed as the five of them stared at the sprinkler valve that would ultimately soak the girls field hockey team.

"Turn it, and I predict a 90% chance of bodily harm, and I'm talking about us, not them."

"Wimp!" Carlos exclaimed as he put on his helmet, slapped it twice, and jumped towards the valve to turn it. "It's stuck."

James, who was busy combing his hair this entire time, said, "I had my pop star dream again last night. And this time, I was wearing my lucky white V-neck, and I sang a Smokey Robinson song."

Ella groaned and rolled her eyes as James burst out into song.

"Tracks of my tears, ey, ey..."

"James, you really need to find a new song to sing. I swear I hear this one at least twice a day," she complained.

He gave a quick glare to the girl before snapping back into reality. "What are we doing?"

"Yes, exactly! What are we doing? Unless you guys want to be beaten up by girls, I suggest we leave." Ella groaned as she dragged Kendall's arm in the direction of his house.

Unfortunately, he was much stronger than the 5'0 girl as he stayed put and asked, "A janitor left the T-bar in the sprinkler valve, and do you wanna help us soak the girls' field hockey team?"

Growing enthusiastic, James answered, "Yeah!"

Both boys threw off their hockey gear as they ran over to help Carlos with the valve.

Ella threw over a look to Logan as if to say 'don't do it' but as the rest of the boys looked over to him, and Logan looked between them and the pleading girl, he gave up and ran to the sprinkler valve stating, "I gotta get new friends."

As the boys cheered and turned the sprinklers on to soak the girls, they laughed and Ella heard screams coming from the locker room.

"And now we run," said Kendall as him and the rest of the guys yelled and ran for their lives.

Ella looked over to see the entire girls hockey team chasing after her group of best friends.

While trying to still be their most loyal companion, she called in a very sarcastic, faltering voice. "'t get them. They did nothing wrong...stop..."

Just as she predicted, the team ignored her and continued running after the boys.

Ella threw some of the guys' belongings over her shoulder, grumbling, "I told them so" as she took the short walk over to Kendall's house to wait for them. And ultimately, take care of them because there was no way they were making out of that alive.

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