- Chapter Nine -

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I don't know what came over me

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I don't know what came over me.

I called her asking if I could come over. I'm becoming attached, Kian says it's probably because I haven't had sex with her yet. And not to sound like a dick, but it's probably true. She's leaning against the door leaving enough distance between us. I don't like the distance. Bridging the gap between us I stop an arm's length away.

"Hi," her smile makes me feel things, things I can't afford to feel.

I wrap my arms around her waist bringing her closer. Burying my face into the crook of her neck, she smells like strawberries. Just as I'm about to pull away she wraps her arms around my neck standing on her tiptoes so she can reach.

"I guess I kind of missed my friend," I mutter— it was true, I didn't think you could truly miss somebody until I missed Ele. This might sound harsh but I don't even miss my parents and I last saw them a month ago. "It's been three days, and I spoke to you two days ago," she points out. "It's been too long." For the last three days, I've tried to stop thinking about her. I've fucked three girls and every time I thought of Ele. I shouldn't have hooked up with them— that was a mistake, I know that.

I've been distracted at practice which is not ideal. My dad called me yesterday asking me what's up, apparently, Coach called my parents because 'I've been off.'

"What are you doing here?" She whispers in my ear and my god that sends shivers down my spine. "I wanted to see you," It was literally that simple. And that's the fucked up part about it, I missed Ele. "Roma, you have plenty of other girls who you could be seeing right now," she says as if I would have even considered seeing other girls. I thought I would— but I don't. "I don't want them," I say and Ele sighs before removing her arms around my neck and bringing them to my chest to push me away. I reach out to grab her wrists to stop her from shoving me away. "We're friends Roma. Just friends," she says coldly while maintaining eye contact.

"I know," the words come out as a whisper, trust me I know. I couldn't afford a girlfriend right now, football has to be my main priority. Has to be. We stare at each other for what seems like hours, but in reality, only a couple of minutes before Ele breaks the tension between us. "I think you're bored," a statement, "this is just a bit of fun for you." Was it?

"I'm not doing anything out of boredom— or trying to hurt you." I admit but Ele shakes her head at my response, "you're just lonely."

"Are you lonely?" I ask, and maybe, just maybe we could be lonely together.

"I have my friends."

"I'm your friend." She smiles at my response.

I still have my hands wrapped around her wrists, letting go, I tilt my head down, bringing our lips closer as I whisper, "just friends." A statement rather than a question. If I say it more maybe I'll start to believe it. Ele nods bringing her lips even closer. So close I can feel her breath on my lips, "just friends." I could do just friends. I've never wanted to do anything more. Without a second thought, I slam my lips against hers, bringing one hand up to cradle the back of her head while the other stays at her waist. She brings both her hands up to my hair, tugging lightly.

Playing The Risk - Book One in The WSU SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now