Dream 2

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A/N: Okay so this is really short and its literally 4:39 in the morning but I am major fangirling right now.

Okay, so I was on the bus ride home (A/N: Since the only people who read this know me, I will say names.) And all I remember was I was sitting with Elena and diagonal to me was Sophia. (A/N: Not Elena's sister, the tall one in our grade) Oh, and Sophia was wearing a blue visor. Also, Emily was sitting diagonal to me too, and Emma, you were sitting on the floor. Oh yeah, and we were singing. Don't ask.

Then, I was rambling on, and then I stopped and said, "WAS THAT A DALEK?" And turned to look out the window, and sure enough, there was a life size Dalek on the streets. I then started major fangirling, and I mean MAJOR. Like, I was screaming and I took Elena and started shaking her, then did the same with Sophia, while screaming, "You don't Understand my love for Doctor Who!!" Then all of a a sudden, Caroline and Maddie (A/N: I'm not giving last names, but the Maddie that is short, surname starts with a K) appeared in the seat in front of me, and Caroline was holding a Game Boy, The original Game Boy. (A/N: Like, before the Game Boy Color even, which is what I have) And I started congratulating them.

Then I woke up to write this dream down.

A/N: Sorry for typos, and it's short and not really fancy, but it is literally 4:53 right now. Yes, there was a different time up at the beginning , because I am writing the current time, so it took me more than a minute to write this. I would tell you the exact amount of minutes, but that involves math, and I'm not doing math at 5 AM.

Okay, byyee! (dailygrace moment)

O'HeyHey Out!

P.S. Since most if you don't know what a Dalek is, Go on Google Images. :)

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