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(Mostly regarding the new clip that has been released of the "Metaphor" scene. If you haven't seen it, it's in the video on the side. EDIT: Nevermind, Wattpad is being a dick and won't let me post it, so just look up "tfios clip" on YouTube)

**DISCLAIMER: One, this might contain spoilers, so be careful, and two, I LOVED the TFIOS book and these are my opinions.**

So, I saw the newly released clip of the Metaphor scene today, and I don't know, it just wasn't like I had hoped. Augustus just seemed like... a prick.

Yes, I'm aware that they mainly kept to the actual dialogue in the book, only adding in a few things to make it seem conversational, and yes, I'm aware that the character of Augustus Waters is a very pretentious, confident character, but this just seemed so odd and out of place.

I was kind of afriad this would happen with the TFIOS movie, like all the dialogue seemed staged and like the characters weren't really real people (I know that doesn't make much sense, but I'm hopinh you'll understand). The book portrays both Hazel and Augustus as very deeply thoughtful people, but when it comes to making the book a reality, I always was afraid that their dialogue would seem really unrealistic. Like, no teen would actually say that.

Another example of this that I saw but kind of overlooked was in the original TFIOS Trailer, when Augustus gives his monologue on how much he loves Hazel. It seemed so oddly... fake.

This might be something you disagree with, and I'm sure it must've been hard for the script writers to have to make it seem real, but I feel like the way it's going on the big screen makes it seem (dare I say) cliche. What do you think? Do you even get what I'm trying to say?

Paper Towns was a lot more character friendly, and so I'm guessing the PT Movie will be very amazing (esepcially with John Green having an even bigger role in making it), but I'm sure TFIOS will be amazing as well.

I'm actually kind of excited for (WARNING OMFG SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) the scene when Augustus kicks it, because I think the emotion will be a lot more heavily based there, making the movie really good. It's honestly just that the way Green wrote it makes it hard for the characters to come to life, you know?

I'm just going to end it here before you hate me even more.

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