I've Decided That I'm Quitting Wattpad

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And yes, this is true. Let me explain.

So, today I was thinking that someone like me writing fanfictions is just... ridiculous. they are all dumb, and I shouldn't waste my time writing something stupid like this. Wattpad is just getting in my way of  Life and everything, and I need to stop.

I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come to my conclusion. I'm going to delete my account next week, on October 1st, 2013, so I'm not tempted to come back.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read, commented, or voted on any of my things I used to call "works." I just feel like I need to start fresh with my life, without having to deal with updating, or fans, or anything.

I've made a lot of friends on here, but it's time to let go.

I hope you aren't too upset with me.

Thanks for understanding.



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