All My Saved Tumblr URLs 2.0

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Aha, since that chapter where I told you all my saved URLs, I've gotten more. A lot more. I felt like sharing them again~

ughhlester - still my current URL~

youtubervevo - I still have this one. Never used it, but it's too good to let go.

li-truh-lee - I love this one. Like, a lot.

great-fairy-fountain - Damn, this ones good. It's a Legend of Zelda one. But wow it's a good URL. I've been pretty lucky in the URL department, as you'll see.

kikmepj - Still have this one. *shrugs*

pinof - LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS URL IS. I'm actually using it as my Dan and Phil blog~

thatonepitbullsong - I don't know why I still have this...? (But it's still some weird inside joke between my friend and I, who, by the way, still has a tumblr but changed her URL from the-gameis-on to arminn-arlertt, and you should still follow her)

ugotkikthepj - A lot of people liked this one, and I'll tell you that it's been put to use! It's now my KickThePJ blog, and it's a glorious blog.

postcardsandinkstains - Still my Art Blog. Still only has one post.

skywardocarina - This was the old URL for my Legend of Zelda blog, but I changed it. I still have the URL though.

hyrulejpg - This is what my LoZ blog is now! ^-^ Look at how great that URL is~

ivefalleninlovewithag-i-f - I actually gave away a bunch of URLs (I've listed them at the end), and this was meant to be given away, but no one wanted it. If you do, you can message me on tumblr.

troylerhappened - Also a URL I wanted to give away but never did. I've got a much better URL for a Troyler blog now,

hobbes-ol-buddy - A slightly obscure reference that I love.

zelda-garden - This was another possible URL for my Zelda blog, but I liked hyrulejpg better.

antishatter - My hipster/grunge/photography blog. Idk man. I like it a lot though, because those are my two favourite words. (Also, hint hint, you may be seeing this word very soon in something...)

tidily-oakley I don't know.. On tumblr Tyler Oakley once called himself tidily bidily oakdizzle, and I got this URL out of it.

accioinfinity - I actually got this from a URL giveaway blog, and I'm planning on using it for a Harry Potter blog soon.

infinityoswin - My Doctor Who blog. And yeah, I kinda started liking the word "infinity" for some reason.

infinityimpala - Okay.. I liked it a lot. I never even wanted to use this URL, but ???

lightlysaltedtarakos - My pixel blog! The URL is some really vague reference to a show, and if anyone understood it they would recieve eternal friendship points.

bringcolourtomyskies - This is now my Troyler blog URL. But DAMN that URL. I know, it's amazing.

deans-bluesteel - My Supernatural blog~ (I have a lot of side blogs, okay?)

skyloftjpg - This was actually another bloggers URL, but then they changed theirs and deleted this URL, and I just really liked it.

killing-titans - MY ANIME BLOG WOO (mostly SNK). It's a pretty good URL too.

riverand-thedoctor - Another URL I saved but have no real intention of using.. idk. I was helping Tali (@Moonlightalone13) make a new blog and I was giving her URLs, and this was one of them (along with infinityimpala) that she didn't want and I took. (But, I gave her samspsychicpowers, lucky) (Although you should follow her tumblr too, it's livinginfictions~)

terminafeels - When I was changing my LoZ blogs URL, this was another option, and I really liked it. I still do. But I thought hyrulejpg was cooler (but do you get it? Termina Feels, like Termina Field? Haha.. haha.. no?)

falloutparade - My bandom blog (mostly FOB). It's also pretty rad.

As for the URLs I used to have but later deleted/gave away:

- sivans-wink (I really liked this one, but whatever)

- tinselinyourfoot (deleted)

- ironichomohowell (deleted)

- ironicallylovinglester (deleted)

- mylittleworldoffandoms (given away... *wipes tear of nostalgia*)

- we-re-my-otp (given away)

- a-thorn-amongst-roses (deleted)

- fandomyrandomy (deleted)

And probably a few more, but *shrugs*

What ones do you like the most?

Also, I'll make a comment with links to all my side blogs if you want to check any of them out. Tell me which ones you like most theme/posts-wise! ^-^


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