One Directions YouTube Comments

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So I thought it would be interesting to go to a typical boyband and look at the YouTube comment in one of their videos. This is basically what it consisted of:

OMG I LUUVVV 1D!!!1!11

Asdfghjkl guys Harry is so hot I can't even like no

One Direction sucks balls

Okay guyz just ignore the h8ers we love 1D so just ignore their negative feedback lol

why did you even bother WatchiNG THE VIDEO ad posting a ruDE comment if u don't even like them OMG

I'm a boy and I liek one direction idc what every1 else says



Guys I'm an aspiring singer and it's my dream to become famous so please just watch my videos and help me with my dream I love you all thanks for reading goodbye

My Instagram is @obehh pls get me to 100k followers

My favourite color is peanutbutter (I'm not kidding this was really a comment)

Am I the only person who notices Harry and Louis don't touch or look at each other anymore cos of Management and the Larry Stylinson thing? Its so upsetting like they don't even look at each other they just ignore each other. (I'm fucking crying now I'm just copying and pasting things in)

What has music come to?. (what have your puncuation skills come to?)

Liam looks like a lumberjack 

But I understand he is growing (seriously wtf)

OH look! They're playing with a Purpleish/PINK soccer ball! :D hahaha GAYYYYY LOLZ (this person really does not understand life)

and I kinda stopped there, mostly bc the rest were "I LUV ONE D STILL #onedirection", "ONE DIRECTION IS GAY L0L!!1!", or comments on how "Zayn is a terrorist oopssss" (like honestly fuck off).

I just thought I wanted to update this so yeah

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