A (Serious) Note

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Okay, so I found out something that happened in my school today, and let me tell you, it is something that I hope I never hear of again.

Today, a girl was sent down to the Office and ended up going home. One of my friends told me thay she had cut herself with a piece of glass the night before.

I'm not talking one or two cuts, I'm talking up to the shoulder on both arms and on both of her thighs. It turns out that the girl who told me and another person had told the School Counseler what happened, because they were afraid she would do it again.

Now, I am quite aware that cutting is a horrible thing and shouldn't happen, because I almost did it myself. Almost. But I had enough strength to set down the razor, because I didn't want to have to carry around scars like that forever. I wanted to be able to forget the past and move on. And I did. What this girl did to herself is absolutley horrifying to think about, but then I realized something.

This girl had been 100% fine every other day of the year. Besides the small Drama that might happened, she's never been bullied or anything (as far as I know, I'm not going to be the one making false assumptions). And here's the part that makes me sick.

Not only did she call every one of her friends after she did it last night and tell them all, but she wore shorts and a tank top today, so that everyone could see what she did to herself. People are saying she only cut herself for attention, because anyone who really cut themselves wouldn't "show it off" like that. However, whether she did it for attention or not, that girl just permanently put scars all over herself. If, let's say, she DID do it for attention, then she now has to live the rest of her life saying "Oh, yeah, I got these cuts because I made a stupid decision when I was younger."

This leads ne to this: Never, ever, EVER, cut yourself. Whether it's for attention and sympathy or because you're going through a hard time. If you say that cutting helps you get away from it all, then think of it this way: In 10 years when you look at those scars, you will remember every horrible moment that made you do it. So, in the long run, that doesn't help you get away from it all. It's just a reminder.

What this girl did is something I hope nobody else does. If you need to talk to someone, but you can't talk face to face, there are so many people on this website that you can talk to, they won't judge you. But please, don't cut yourself. No matter how badly you want to.

If you ever do want to, if you ever feel like you hate yourself, here's what I want you to do: List 5 things that you like about yourself. And yes, there has to be reasons you like yourself. Trust me. I told one of my friends to do this when she wwas feeling upset, and at first she said "But I don't like anything about myself." I told her to really think, and then she easily came up with things. Please. Do anything to make you happy. Just don't cut.

[Also, the whole "cutting for attention" thing might offend someone, but I hope it doesn't. I was using it as an example. I do not know whether or not this girl really did this for attention, and I know there are people that really do cut because of depression or lack of self-esteem. It was just a small story to lead up to the message. And yes, it is (sadly) all true.]

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