My "Official" Instagram

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So remember I once said in one of my chapters that I was painting a picture of Charles Trippy? I had no way to upload the picture here, and I have more little pieces of (bad) art that I'm working on, so I decided to make an Instagram account for you guys to see.

I'm telling you now that I do have a personal Instagram account, and I am following it on this account, but PLEASE do not try to follow that account. For one, it is privated, and two, I am posting a majority of the same pictures on this account that are on the other one, the only difference is I have pictures of myself posted on the other account, and I don't want my face known on this site. I want to be known for my writing. and don't try to follow that account. Please respect my privacy.

Anyways, my Official Instagram account is @takenbyangels. I hope you guys check it out! I think even if you don't have an account you can look it up on I think.

Please check it out? I'm uploading my painting and such on there from now on. ^-^"

Also: It is privated but you can just request to see it and I'll let you. It will only be privated for a few months, I'll tell you all why then.

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