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So, someone sent me a little Interview thing to fill out, to which I got super excited for because it looked like a lot of fun, but they asked to remain Anonymous. Honestly, I'm not sure why, but I respect their wish and won't say who it was. Anyways, here's the questions!:

How did you get in to reading and writing fanfics?

Well, I used to take these quizs on Quotev when I liked One Direction, and I liked the ones that had long "results", which was basically a one-shot, because I liked seeing what people wrote. I then realized that there were fan fictions, and started reading those. From there, my friends all suggested I go on Wattpad, (and honestly, I thought it was pretty weird) and I just started writing fan fics from there.

What made you want to join Wattpad?

Honestly, and get this, I joined Wattpad by accident. Some of my friends thought I should get the app, so I did, and the first thing that popped up was "Make an Account!" or "Log in using Facebook!". At the time, I didn't see that there was a little button at the bottom that said "Not Now", so I made an account. My first username was LaylaForever (which apparently didn't last forever, ba dum tss), but only because I thought of it on the spot.

How did you choose your username?

Like I said, I just chose "LaylaForever" on the spot, but I eventually didn't like it and wanted to change it. It took me forever to think of a new, good username, and I eventually came up with "medusacascade". It sounds a bit dumb now, but I had my heart set on it. Then, finally, a month later, I went to change it, and that username was, of course, taken. So, after a few more months of thinking, I decided on TakenByTheAngels, which was a little wink to the Weeping Angels.I didn't really like it at first, but now I feel like it's the best username ever. I actually love getting compliments on it still, even a year later. :)

What is your best piece of work you've written for Wattpad?

Well, I think without a doubt my favorite things I've written and published on here have been Chapter 7 of Scars, the Phil one-shot I wrote in AIWFCIAY for Kara, and the Dan one-shot in also wrote in AIWFCIAY for Emma. However, my best piece of writing ever has been the final chapter to Dear Mr. Day, which I wrote about a month ago. I had the idea for the ending and decided to write it so that I wouldn't forget, and so it would motivate me to keep writing DMD, and I think, personally, I worked really hard on it, and as cheesy and snobby as it sounds, it made me emotional. ^-^ I'm excited for people to read it!

Have you written any chapters for anything that you think are good, but not many people read it/gave feedback on?

Yes, actually. I think that my poem, called Scars, was pretty good for one of my first things I'd ever written, but it's gotten buried in all my other stories that people don't really see it anymore. Also, I wrote two chapters in my Dreams book, this one, that didn't get very many feedback either. They were my "What Is The Meaning of Life?" chapter, and, even more so, my chapter explaining my favorite letter of the alphabet, called "Why My Favorite Letter Is D", which didn't get very much feedback either. :/

Are you planning on writing any new books?

Of course! Right now I have in the making, my five book AmazingPhil series, and I will talk more about very soon, and I've had another fanfic in the making for awhile, called "Warm Cold April Rain", but it hasn't really gotten anywhere... But I'm planning on focusing a lot on finishing Scars, Nicotine at Nine, and Dear Mr. Day, and then maybe editing or remaking Project V.I.D.C.O.N.

They then gave me some more questions that are more Fandom related, and they have shorter answers. ^-^"

What's your favorite Fandom to be in?

Oh, by far the Whovians! Everyone is so amazingly nerdy and geeky and nice, and we are so welcoming and open to new actors that come on the show right away, Peter Capaldi being the biggest one right now... *cries of both happiness and sadness*

Is there a specific Fandom that you dislike, or one that scares you?

Well, not that I dislike them, but a Fandom that does kinda scare me (sorry!!) is the MLP Fandom (My Little Pony). I don't know, the thought of high schoolers and above liking a show meant for little kids is just... creepy.

Is there any Fandoms you used to be a part of, but aren't in anymore? Are there any Fandoms you are new to?

Besides One Direction, I can't think of any Fandoms I'm no longer in. But I am now a part of the Hetalia and We The Kings Fandom, and I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH. *-*

I know you're a big fan of Doctor Who, who was your first Doctor?

Well, I was there when Christopher Eccleston episodes were first airing, but I really paid more attention to the show with David Tennant, but I really got into the show with Matt Smith, end of Tennant. So, really, I don't say any Doctor is my "first" one, because all the new ones were all part of this process, but technically, Christopher Eccleston, the ninth Doctor. :)

Thank you for interviewing me, I really enjoyed this!! If anyone else wants to send me questions, I'll be glad to answer them! :)

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