Dream 1 (Part 2)

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PLEASE READ: Thus dream may have been one of the greatest dreams I've ever had, but for you, It might make no sense. To fully understand this you will need to know who Smosh is. You know, #2 Most Subscribed on YouTube? Yeah, them. You will need to know who the following charecters are:




And you will kind of need to know who these people are, but if you only know the above, that's fine:




So, if you know who they are, read on. If not, read on, but you might not have character background. Whatever, it's your choice.


Okay, this is basically the conversation we had. (It was somewhere in the middle, I don't remember it all)

Anthony: At least I don't have a bowl haircut!

Ian: Excuse me, but it's actually more of a cubic shape.

Mari and I: No, It's bowl shaped.

Ian: Whatever. You're just jealous.

Me: Trust me, we're far from jealous.

Jovenshire: You're probably just all jealous of the time I had to dress up as Princess Peach!

Mari: I had to be Mario. Mario!!

Sohinki: It was quite the entertainment.

Anthony: *laughs in his weird girly way*

Lasercorn: But we *points to Ian* had to dance a romantic duet together!

All besides Lasercorn and Ian: Iancorn! Iancorn

Me: And I just sat behind the screen, watching it happily!

(A/N: I'm really upset because I don't remember the rest of the conversation, well I do, but I'd rather NOT explain it. Anyways, so currently, time skip to after this conversation, and I somehow managed to be in a car with Anthony.)

Me: Where exactly are we going?

Anthony: I want show you something.

*drives to some weird building that I swear I remenber from another dream, but I can't place it*

Anthony: See, Watch what I do here! *goes over to some 2 foot hill*

Me: I remember this place! (Aha! See, I remembered it in my dream too!)

*Anthony then drives over the hill, managing to flip the car over*

And then I can't remember anything past that. I don't really care, though, considering that nobody is gonna read this, IT DOESN'T MATTER! hahaha!

So Yeah.



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