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I was just really quickly wondering if you guys think it's time for me to change my Profile Picture. It's been here for 95% of my time on Wattpad, and I was wondering.

I guess it would be a nice change, but this picture is also a really big part of me I guess.

I know, I'm making a huge thing out of this, but seriously. This Pikachu is kind of my iconic figure on here. It's what you all know me by. In fact, 99% of you guys on here that I've ever talked to who change Profile pics a lot, I still have the old ones in my head from the first time I followed you.

Would it ruin this figure on here? I think it would still be a picture of Pikachu, but I don't know. And if so, what picture of Pikachu should I choose? This is serious. Very serious.

In fact, this is about as serious as it gets on here.


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