I'm Not Happy With My Works

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I really have found myself unhappy with what I've been writing lately.

Like, I feel like I'm not really giving my best work.

For example, I published the Preface to Dear Mr. Day about a month ago, and was planning on publishing it in November so that I would have time to write multiple chapters first.

I've only written one chapter.

I've found myself writingit and then re-writing it again, and basically, I've re-written it 6 times now. And I'm still not happy with it.

I also feel like I could write things so much better, but I've lowered my full potential and now I can't get it back. I really do want to write a book with a clever idea and a good description and a good title, but also make it a fanfiction, but whenever I try to think about it, my mind goes blank.

Multiple times I've wanted to just delete Dear Mr. Day. I don't know if it's because I feel I'm not ready, or if I don't like the chapter, or what. I think what I want to do is publish the first chapter, but only to specific people that I feel really read my books. And by that, I mean, REALLY read them. Think about them, comment on them, give me good advice, that kind of stuff. But I don't know how.

So I want to know how I can publish it to only a few people. E-mail? Inbox? Any ideas?

But also, if I do send it to you to read, I want you to give me REAL FEEDBACK. Not just "It was great, don't worry!" No. I want you to give me real pointers, with real critisism, with real feedback. Even if (somehow) you thought it was good, dig deeper. What can I do better? Do I need to make you feel for the characters more? Do I need more detail? Does it have to be longer? I want you to go HARD. Don't worry if you offend me, because I will take everything bad you give me and make it into a better chapter, because I really want this book to be something else. I'm pretty sure I already have some people in mind, but I need to know. Should I do this? And if so, How?

Thank you.


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