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Okay so I have an upopular opinion and virtues will probably hate me for it, but I actually liked Clara Oswald in Doctor Who???? And I really liked Oswin??? And I don't see why people dislike her?

I mean, I think they kind of haphazardly connected her into the Doctor's Timeline and that was a bit shit, but as a character I enjoyed her and ????

Yes, she wasn't my favourite character (I liked Donna, River, The Ponds, Martha, etc.), but I didn't absolutley despise her. I feel like I'm commiting a crime by saying that. She wasn't the most unique and I do feel like Moffat ripped off the character of Amy in a way, but I don't know.

Also, why don't people like Moffat? I mean, I actually don't know why. People act like he's absolute shit, but he wrote things for the Ponds, which I really loved.

Yeah, this is short, but I'm geniunley wondering why you guys don't like Clara/Moffat? And who are some of your favourite/least favourite companions?


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