Dear Future Whovians

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If you ever find someone who has started watching Doctor Who and hasn't really liked it, or found it cheesy or stupid or it has bad effects, please direct them here ASAP.

Dear Future Whovian,

So, you want to watch Doctor Who, but can't get into it? Do you find it idiotic or pointless or does it just have stupid villains and bad effects? Well, let me stop you right there.

I'm assuming you've started watching with Christopher Eccleston, the Ninth Doctor, and Billie Piper, Rose, because it's much easier to find on Netflix and doesn't seem as overwhelming as trying to watch all 11 Doctors, especially if you are planning on getting caught up before the 50th. Now, don't get me wrong, starting from 9 doesn't make you any less of a Whovian than anyone else, well, as long as you watch all the way to Matt Smith at the least. (And can name at the very least who William Hartnell and Tom baker are)

It seems a lot of people I know have started with the episode "Rose" and have seen mostly through Season 1, but then stopped because they didn't see why it was so good to everyone, and they found the enemies kind of, well, dumb. And, to be honest, I somewhat agree. For example, a Christmas Tree that spins around rapidly trying to kill you? Or killer store mannequins? Uh, What?

However, there are some pretty good episodes in Season 1, like the finale. But overall, you may still find it idiotic and don't see why people use the show as a way to look differently upon the world, right? Here's my advice:


Once you finish Season 1, go on to 2. Of course, even there there will be weird episodes, but even David Tennant's debut as 10 definitely does NOT do him justice. but from there, every episode gets better. You start seeing better episodes, and Season 3 is even more amazing. By then, you have a feel of the show, you've witnessed the heartbreaking leaving of Rose, the unfamiliar face of Martha, 10 has evolved as a character and you know his witty, quick, brilliant attitude as the Seasons continue, and you even get to see Blink in Season 3, which may be the scariest and most amazingly written Doctor Who episode, well, at least with David Tennant. That episode also gives you the Point of View of someone who isn't with the Doctor and doesn't know him, which proves that this show is more than just a "weird alien running around".

And trust me, Season 4 is AMAZING, and you will absolutely love Donna. She proves to this show that not every companion that travels with the Doctor is special and amazing and has powers. And the finale shows you how much Doctor Who pulls at your heart strings. That's all I'll say there.

And Seasons 5, 6, and 7 are most possibly my personal favorite seasons in Doctor Who. They have real plot lines that all lead up to something, characters you'll love, enemies that are terrifying, all while throwing in humor and tragedy and overall AMAZINGNESS, and not to mention the drastic change in special effects. We went from plastic looking Santas to the Silence, which look so breathtakingly realistic, or at least as realistic as you'll get with Doctor Who.

And the characters show more emotion and you can tell the differences in all of them, and they've all become their own person.

So trust me, no matter how stupid Season 1 may seem, JUST KEEP GOING.


And if it doesn't, and you still think it's stupid even after all Seven Seasons (once again basing off of only the new series), then







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