I Just Want A Friend

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All I want is a friend who I can fangirl with and joke around with, but I want a friend where I can also just sit on a hill with, looking at the clouds and talking seriously. Whether it's about our hopes and dreams, religion, or just Life in general.

All I want is a friend who I can tell everything to, and they won't look at me any differently or judge me, but I also want them to be honest with me about themselves as well. I want them to understand that I won't judge them either.

All I want is a friend that I can be myself around, just 100% myself. No lying. No fake smiles. Nothing. Whether I'm in a good mood, a bad mood, or just really thoughtful, I want to be able to share my honest thoughts with them.

All I want is a friend that doesn't make me feel like I need to worry about what I say or do around them, and I want them to feel that way too towards me.

All I want is a friend who won't like all the samw things as me, but will still acknowledge what I like without dismissing it or without trying to become obsessed to just so I talk to them more. I want someone who I can talk to about everything, from music to sports to school to what I believe to just how I feel. Not just one topic that we talk about because it's all we have in common.

All I want is a friend who won't exclude me from anything. Even if they hang out with someone without me, I just don't want them to try to hide that fact. I want them to know that I don't care if they have other friends, and that I won't get "jealous".

All I want is a friend who doesn't create Drama between us. I just want to be able to laugh at the Drama being caused around us.

All I want is a friend that will listen to my weird thoughts and fantasies that I come up with in my head and won't just nod their head and smile at them, but discuss them and maybe even share what is going on through their minds too.

All I want is a friend that will always be there for me, who will understand how I feel at all times and will never judge me for what I do.

But Dreams don't come true.

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