Dream 4

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This dream literally made me wake up and fangirl like shit. I mean, I was hyperventelating and wishing it was real.


First off I would like to say that before I went to sleep, I was watching some Shane Dawson vlogs (because why not?) And in the last one I saw before I decided to try to sleep, he had met some actor from a show I had never heard of called Ant Farm (I think, sorry if I get that title wrong). This will be inquired in the dream.

When I was asleep, I dreamed that I was watching this show called Ant Farm, when all of a sudden, ALEX FREAKING DAY WALKS OUT. So, of course I start freaking out and going "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IT'S ALEX DAY OH MY GOD" and having the time lf my life, thinking that nothing could get better. And then, CHARLIE FREAKING MCDONNELL COMES OUT TOO.

So I was sitting there, shaking with excitement (I actually remember the feeling of just shaking and freaking out... I'm weird.), and I decide to record the episode to cherish the moment. Then, I get my phone like, "I GOTTA CALL ELENA!!" (@Living_In_Fiction) and went to my speed dial. But for some reason, all of my contacts were deleted, and I was trying to call her, but I kept on calling my Mother.

And tthen I woke up. DAMN IT.

But I guess I now know what will happen if I ever meet Alex Day or Charlie McDonnell. I will hyperventelate and start shaking. Yay. -.-

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