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Does any of this relate to you? Because it does for me:


- Read the shampoo bottle in the shower?

- Laugh at your own jokes before you tell them?

- Read a sentence at least 10 times without understanding it?

- Puch a door when it says pull? (Whovian moment) (School of the Gifted)

- Have to call your phone if you don't know where it is?

- Find that after calling your phone, it was in a totally obvious spot?

- Turn the pillow over to the cold side when you're hot at night?

- Set the alarm clock to ring earlier than when you get up just so you knwo you have more time to lay in bed?

- Before sleeping, calculate how many hours you have to sleep if you were to fall asleep at this exact moment?

- Close the fridge door really slowly to watch the light turn off?

- Try to balance the light switch between "On" and "Off"?

- Hate it when a book gets made into a movie and then the book cover is changed to look like the movie cover?


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