Chapter 25

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Tris POV
"Good morning!" Evelyn greets us. Tobias just nods at her and I give her a small smile. "So tris I'm sure tobias told you.." "Yes he did." I say in a low voice. I know that this affects all of us, but especially to tobias. "We've decided that we will take him in." Tobias says in a clear voice. He's using his instructor voice but softening it just a tad, or maybe it's the tobias seeping into it. "Thank you. Thank you." Evelyn says taking a seat and placing her head in her hands. "I don't know what I'd do If you said no.." She mumbles but I hear her. And most importantly tobias hears her. He squeezes my hand probably to help him stay calm.

Evelyn finally looks and stands up, her face blotchy and her eyes look bloodshot. "Let me go get him." She says and exits the room. Tobias lets out a loud long sigh that I'm guessing he's been holding. "You'll be fine, we'll be fine." I whisper to reassure him. "I love you." He mumbles. I can barely hear him but a smile comes into my face so I know I heard him. The door opens again and evelyn walks in with luca. I walk over to him and crouch down so I'm down to his level. "Hi luca! I'm tris you remember me right?" I ask smiling at how cute he is. He nods and gives me a hug. "And that's tobias." I say turning to point at tobias. Luca looks a bit scared, "Don't worry he's just a big softie." I whisper in his ear and he smiles and laughs. I stand back up and go over to tobias. "You want to go say hi?" I ask him.

••••Tobias POV••••
I look as tris walks over to the boy and gets down on her knees to be level with him. She talks to him and he smiles at her. She truly has learned to love that boy, and I fear that I won't. She walks over to me, "You want to go say hi?" She asks. I stare off before I answer then I nod. She takes my hand and walks over with me. By now Luca is sitting in the big chair evelyn sat in earlier. I crouch down as well so I don't tower over him. "Hi Luca." I say. He just stares at me. I can't read his eyes, I can't tell if he's thinking, if he's scared or just processing it all. I look up at tris and she's standing right behind me and she gives me a look that keeps me going. She looks proud though too.

"I'm tobias. Tris and I are going to watch and take care of you." I say in the calmest and nicest voice I have. He looks up at evelyn and she smiles down at him. "Why?" He asks. I open my mouth to say something but in all honesty I don't know what to say. "I have to go away for a while, so they are going to watch you and love you." Evelyn says and I tense at the word love. Tris senses and rubs my back. Even that sends flickers of fire through me, the smallest touch from her can do that.

"Oh." He says. "Don't worry Luca, we're going to have so much fun." Tris says and he smiles at the sound of her voice. "Luca do you want help packing your things?" Tris asks and he nods. She takes his hand and they head to his room. Once they're gone evelyn walks up to me. "Tobias I can tell how much you trying and thank you." She says. "Thanks. It's just.. Hard. And I know he doesn't really like me." I tell her. "No he does. He just doesn't know you!" She says. "You two have a lot in common you just don't know it." She says. "Like what? Besides the same mom?" I ask. "Well for one I always thought he seemed like a little dauntless warrior. He's always going around punching, throwing, and kicking things. "She says with a soft laugh. "He loves tris. You love tris." Thats true. "He loves cake." She says with a smirk and I laugh. "But tobias most of all, he's got the same heart that you do. You have compassion, the capability to love, kindness and child like silliness. You just cover it up with all that dauntless." She says and I laugh. "Thanks mom." I say. I realize I don't call her that a lot, or at all really. She kisses my cheek and tris and Luca come back in.

Tris is carrying his little suitcase and Luca has a stuffed animal in his hand. It's a lion and it has a small black shirt on, dauntless. "Ready to go?" Tris asks.
And I nod. We head for the door, they walk out but my mom pulls me back. "I'm getting admitted tomorrow. Just thought you should know." She says. "Thanks." I say because I can't show my real emotions. She kisses my cheek once more and I go run to catch up with tris and Luca.

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